The Pack

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"Uhm, Jake, where are we going?" I asked.

"We're going to La Push." He smiled.

NO no No nO

"So what happened with those bloodsu- the uHm The Cullens yesterday?"

Oh no. Did he know that I knew? Am I supposed to know that he knows that I know? No..

"You tell me." YES PERFECT ANSWER! GO Y/N!

"I suppose that means they told you already?"


Jacob sighed and clenched his fist on the steering wheel.

There was a long silence before I broke it.

"Jake.." I prepared myself.


"What's it like? You know, imprinting?"

I looked over at Jacob to see that he was smiling. I smiled back with him.

"Well it's like.. when you see her, the whole world stops. Suddenly it's not gravity holding you to this earth it's her. It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like you are what she needs you to be. Whether that is a protector, a lover, a brother, or a friend."

Wow. He explained it much better than Carlisle could.

"Wow" I said, dumbfounded. "Is that really how you feel about me?" I asked him.

"Of course it is." Jacob said, smiling at looking at me.

I smiled down at my hands and couldn't help from blushing. I mean, think of all those times 12-year-old me was fantasizing about this moment.

When we pulled into the house, I saw some familiar faces. A boy I knew as Sam Uley was there. Also Seth and Leah Clearwater. Seth was in his freshman year now, and he had certainly grown up. Last I remember him he was like, what, 6?

I also saw Jared, Paul, Embry, and Quil, who were all gawking waiting for me to come out.

Jacob jumped out first and then so did I. I immediately ran over to Leah, who was one of my best friends when I was in Forks. She hugged me back and gave me greeting.

Then I moved to Seth, who was staring at me with admiration in his eyes. Instead of towering over me like Jacob, and Edward, and literally everyone else did, he was only a couple of inches taller then me.

I had no hesitation in hugging him as well. He hugged back, and I heard Jacob behind me. He was growling from the back of his throught and staring daggers at Seth. I pulled away and put a comforting hand on his chest.

Seth wasn't a part if the pack yet, but I'm sure he knew what was going on. How could he not? His sister and all of his friends are involved, and it would be hard to hide anything from him.

I shook hands and greeted everyone else, careful not to hug anyone again. I don't think it would end well for anyone.

I noticed Jacob grab my hand several times whenever someone other then Leah wanted to talk to me.

After a while me and Jacob decided to leave. I then realized how worried Bella and The Cullens must be since I'm not at school. It was 2 pm right now, and Bella was sure to be in P.E.

I debated on where I should go before settling on just waiting for Bella to get off of school. Jacob parked in the parking lot, and even though he insisted otherwise, eventually left.

If Edward saw that Jacob was on his land again, well, let's just say that it probably wouldn't end well.

I waited against Bella's truck before I heard the final bell ring.

It was no time before the Cullen's were outside of school and Edward was approaching me.

There was no point in lying to him, he was gonna read my mind anyway.

"Where were you?" He asked a bit harshly.

"I was with Jacob."

"Why did you miss school?"

"Relax, it won't happen again." I then saw Bella with a confused look on her face approaching us.

Quick! Look like we're having a friendly conversation.

Edward then forcefully laughed and I laughed with him. He was quite the actor, I must say.

She came next to me and Edward and I wiped away a fake happy tear, which might have been to far because I could see Edward try to hold in real laughter.

"Hey Bella!" I said happily.

"Uh- hi?" She said, looking suprised and then looking at Edward and back to me. "Why did you miss school today?"

"Oh, uh I wasn't feeling to good so I drove back home." I lied.

She seemed to buy it and put a half-hearted concerned face on.

"Are you ok?"

"Uh- yeah I'm fine now." I said, smiling.

I bid Edward goodbye and Bella and I got in her car.

"What was that about? With you and Edward?"

"Oh, nothing." I said, smiling to myself.

Word Count: 816
Wow, longest chapter yet!

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