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before I start, I want to tell you guys how fun it was to scroll through all your comments about edward. you guys came for his NECK my god- some of you put full on poems together like wow anyway yeah you guys are... scary

"I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna do it, I'll kill him!"

"Leah, come on-" I try to reason as she paces around my room. She's the first one I told, (I thought she would be the most reasonable, other than Alice) and now she's freaking out and making very detailed and morbid descriptions of how she'll kill and bury him.

"Leah, it's not a big deal, really,"

"You were cheated on, Y/N! Oh my god, I can't believe I let this happen! I can't believe you didn't tell me you were dating a bloodsucker, especially him!"

"Leah," I rise from my bed, putting my hands on her shoulders. "It is not your fault. It is not my fault. It is not Bella's fault. It is Edward's fault, and Edward's fault only."

She nods slowly. "Yes, it is his fault, which is why I'm going to find him and rip his head off his shoulders and then pinch his eyeballs out and then.."

I smile at her bitterweetly as I sit back on my bed.

"How's Seth?" I ask, desperate to change the subject.

She looks at me for a moment, wondering why I'm asking, but my face must reveal it all.

"Why.. he didn't.." She chooses her words carefully. I squint my eyes, signaling that she's close. Her mouth falls open. "He didn't."

"He did." I confirm, nodding my head slowly. Leah grabs a pillow off of my bed and fake screams into it.

"Oh, now I have to kill my brother! And Edward! Anyone else, while the list is ongoing?"

"Not yet, but I'll get back to you in a few hours." I tell her with a grin, which she gladly returns.

"Good." She mutters, laying on the bed next to me.

We stay in silence for a minute, while she lays on her side and scrutinizes my face.

"I should paint you." She says quietly.

"You paint?" I ask in response.

"Yeah, something like that. I don't know if I could do you justice, though. You're just so.. so.."

"Wonderfully stunning and amazing and grougeous and whimsical?" I tease, turning to face her.

"Yes, that." She smiles. Just then there is a soft knock on the door.

"Y/N? Can I talk to you?" Bella's voice is tiny, she's clearly scared.

"Yeah, just a minute!" I call back, opening up the window for Leah to jump back out. I should have known that Bella would be awake soon and would want to talk to me, but I lost track of time.

I rush to my bedroom door, opening it to see a tear-stained Bella on the other side.

"Oh, Bells." I say, guiding her into my room.

"Look, I'm really sorry for yesterday." She says tightly.

"Oh, Bella, don't apologise. It's not your fault. I completely forgive you- though you have done no wrong."

"Are you sure?" She asks, looking up at me with such sad eyes that I would have to lie if I wasn't telling the truth.

"Yes, I'm sure, Bella. Hey, do you want to go get some Asian food in Port Angeles?" I ask.

"Port Angeles?" She sniffs, "But that's almost an hour away."

"Exactly. No one will know where we are- it'll be great." I tell her hopefully.

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