Sweet Home Volterra

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I'm hyperventilating by the time we reach Italy. If I would've stopped to think about the fact that I'm going back to the Volturi, I probably wouldn't have come.

Alice has rented (stolen) a yellow Porsche, and we are moving through the gates to Volterra. More like prison. I think bitterly.

"What is going on?" Bella's voice shakes as the miles of people in red cloaks comes into focus.

"Of course Edward had to choose the one day where Volterra is most inhabited. By tourists, locals, anyone. Saint Marcus' Day. The day Saint Marcus ran all of the vampires out of town." Her tone is mocking, inferring that he failed. "Edward thinks you're dead, so he's exposing himself and getting himself killed by the Volturi." Alice explains, and we are left in silence.

"I can't go with you to find him. If I get close enough, he'll hear my thoughts, and he'll think I'm trying to talk him out of it, he'll think my thoughts are lying. He'll only do it faster. You need to show yourselves on your own." I nod, unbuckleing my seatbelt and getting out of the car.

I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't believe I'm doing this! This goes against everything I stand for. Risking me and Bella's life for his? I cannot believe I'm doing this.

Is all that is going through my mind as we push past endless red cloaks.

"Where do you think he is?" Bella asks in my ear. I shake my head. Where are the most people going to be? Well, the humans around us are going in the direction of.. Tick. Tick. Tick.

"The clock. He's in front of the clock, everyone is watching the clock, go!" I take Bella's hand, pushing through people more violently then before.

The clock, which is barely coming into clearer view, is ticking away. 12. He plans to do it at 12, when the sun is directly overhead.

We finally reached the front of the crowd. There's the clock, a fountain, and an old building. It seems familiar, like everything else in this town. My eyes search vigorously, my ears deafened by the ticking of the clock that seems to be getting louder, seems to be taunting me.

A loud ring reverberates throughout the square, signaling noon. And, out of the shadows, I see the tiniest glint of skin. Sparking skin, actually.

"Run!" I tell Bella, sprinting through and on anything and everything to get him to stop. What is driving me, I'm not sure.

I run straight into a cold, sparkling wall. Edward.

"Edward, you have to stop." I tell him, trying to push him out of the sun.

"Sometimes I can still hear her voice." Edward says.

"Oh my GOD! You self-sacrificing little dramatic stupid vampire! Get you ass out of the sunlight before someone sees you!" I bark at him, and finally he looks down at me.

"Yeah, that's right, I'm alive, I have blue hair, I'm wearing a black leather jacket, I almost died yesterday, take it all in and move!" I say, continuing to shove him. He complies this time, backing back into the alleyway shadows.

"What about Bella?" Edward asks. That is when Bella, soaking wet, arrives.

And then I realize I'm also soaking wet. The hysteria of it all gets a bubble of a laugh out of me.

"Did you two run.. through the fountain?" Edward asks, a ghost of a smile on his face. Despite myself, I smile.

"What can I say? I'm one for dramatics." I shrug.

"We need to get out of here." Bella reminds us both.

"Bella's right." I say as I try to figure out how we're going to maneuver our way through the crowd with Edward.

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