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It all clicks at once, what I've been missing.

She's been there for me always. She's saved me from whenever Edward put me in danger. She did everything for me, and she's never expected anything in return.

She's beautiful. I just curse myself that it's taken so long for me to realize what's been right under my nose the whole time.

"Hey, are you okay?" Rosalie asks, as genuine concern fills her eyes.

Oh my god. I'm an idiot. My eyes glance to Rosalie, who is already looking at me.

I smile softly, waving to her from three feet away. She smiles sweetly at my antics, waving back.


"Y/N." Rosalie puts her hand over her mouth, looking at the present and then back to me.

"You like it?" I ask, chewing on the inside of my mouth even though I already know the answer.

"Y/N! Of course." She stands, handing me the ruby necklace and asking me to fasten it around her neck.

"Now I will admit," I whisper to her, "Alice did help a substantial amount." She nods, laughing.

"I figured. Though I love you very much, only Alice could have this much style and get exactly what I like." She turns, pecking me on the cheek for a moment before backing away and staring at me.

"And.. for your gift." Rosalie says, and I throw my head back in exasperation.

"I told you not to get me anything. It's only Valentine's day, after all."

Rosalie smiles at me while grabbing a gift from behind her.

"I told you the same thing." She sighs, "and it didn't take Alice to know that you were going to get me something anyway."

She holds it out to me, and I take it. I open the gift, seeing two things taped together inside.

One is a card, and the other is a movie.

I open the card, reading the sweet message and covering my mouth immideatly after because it's so sweet.

Dear Y/N,
    Do you remember the first day we met? You walked right up to our table and asked if anyone was sitting there. I have no idea why you did it, even still, but I do remember how Alice looked when she saw you. And then I remember how Edward looked when he read her mind.
    And if only I'd known how important you would become to me then. Because, honestly, I love you now and I believe I have since the day that we played baseball together. You are the most wonderful person I have every met, and I want you to know that I'll always feel that way about you.
    P.s. I was going to get jewlery, but you wouldn't have liked it. So, Alice may have helped me out as well with this next present.

"Valentines Day?" I ask as I look at the movie.

"Believe me, you'll like it."


"Hey, that guy kinda looks like Jacob!"

"Yeah, weird."


"New comfort movie!" I declare, standing and clapping my hands.

"I'm glad you liked it." Rosalie says, standing with me.

"Man, it really sucks that we can't sleep. I'm still getting used to it." I say as I walk around the empty house.

Once me and Rosalie got together officially, Edward moved out for a few months. He's coming back soon, I believe, but I don't think he can quite stand to stay for Valentine's day.

I don't blame him.

"You feel guilty again." Rosalie points out, getting getting in front of me so I'll stop pacing.

"What do you mean?" I ask, flushing.

Rosalie sighs, taking a few strides toward me and kissing my forehead delicately.

"The family will be here soon. We should get ready." Rosalie advises, and I nod.

I suppose Alice takes every opportunity she can to throw a party and/or get together. She has been out all day with Emmett and Jasper, leading them around Port Angeles to do shopping and pretend one of them is her boyfriend to get discounts. (Even if she doesn't need them.)

Bella and Paul have been extremely busy with Charlie, their daughter, but have still found time to come visit us.

Which ends us with Seth and Bree, who are.. still in their Sophmore year of high-school. Well, Seth is technically a Freshman.

The doorbell rings, and I open it to reveal my favorite cousin and my favorite niece. And Paul.

I immideatly take Charlie from them, not bothering to acknowledge Paul at all.

"It's me, Charlie!" I tell the child excitedly, "It's Aunt Y/N!"

"Y/N!" Bella frets, running quickly after me.

"Please don't be rough with her. She's.. moldable."

"Aww, Aunt Y/N would never ever be rough around such an adorable baby!"

"Y/N.." Bella sighs, making another grab for her child.

"Fine, fine, here is your child." I sigh, handing Charlie back to her mother.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Y/N." Paul says, smiling as he hugs Bella's side.

"Mhm.." I mutter as Rosalie walks into the room glamorously.

"Hello, Rose." Bella greets.

"I would love to stay, but I believe Alice is here." Rosalie smiles just as the door rings.


"I feel awkward being the only one wating." Paul says shifting in his seat.

"I'm eating too!" Seth says.

"Oh sorry," Paul laughs at the joke he is about to make, "You're just so short that sometimes I fail to see you."

Seth makes an extremely offended face as Paul laughs.

I chuckle as well, lowering my head in laughter.

And when I look back up, the image is a perfect picture of my life. My shoulders relax at this realization, and I breath a sigh of relief.

I chose right.

A/N okay guys, this is actually the end :( I'll let you all know if there's a continuation of any kind, but I doubt it. I'll probably make another twilight book in a while though, if I'm not too tired of it. but, at last, thank you all so so much for being there for me throughout this book's course. I love you all :)

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