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I hear the car honk, and I run toward it. I don't think I've ever run this fast in my life.

I don't struggle with the car door, opening it and closing it. I don't bother with the seatbelt, but I press the key in and turn it. The car hums to life, and I back out as quickly as I can. I hope Alice is still looking, but it's wishful thinking. I press on the gas, thankfully it won't take long to get there.

I see the giant banner, and I go into the garage, parking as close as I can. I turn off the car, get out, and sprint again. Alice is probably buying a new car now. Or maybe she's getting Emmett. I run up the escalator, even though it's not moving. The arcade closed hours ago.

The sooner I'm there, the better it will be. I emerge to see all of the arcade games off. It was unsettling, seeing this place so dead. Uninhabited.

"You came!" Victoria's voice, though I don't know where it came from, mocks friendliness.

I turn around and look at her, standing on a ledge above the escalators. My eyes searched around her eagerly.

"Where's my mother!?" I demand, and she shrugs.

"I knew I wasn't going to need her. Don't worry about it, I left her with nothing but a spook. She won't remember a thing."

Despite myself, I feel my shoulders slump in relief. Despite it all, I'm still glad my mother's okay.

"What do you plan to do now?" I ask, my tone firm and angry. "You got the chase, I played your game, you got me. You win, okay? Now you do whatever you do, bite me, erase my memory." I was more angry than I thought. All of this for virtually nothing?

There's a flame in her eyes momentarily. It leaves, and there's nothing but blackness again. She's hungry, starving, even.

"Listen to me." She pruninciates her words slowly, carefully. She means them. "Your cousin is probably having her neck drained right now by James. He's winning. And I promise you, our thirst won't be gone. So once I get word that he's finished her off, you're next in line." She hesitates, thinking, and a giant smile comes to her face. "That doesn't mean I can't at least take a few sips.."

Suddenly, Victoria looses her balance. She leans forward, panic in her eyes, and she starts to lean forward. She falls, and behind her is Rosalie, her mouth twisted onto a beautiful sneer.

Before I can say anything, Rosalie jumps on top of Victoria, her feet planting on her back, and Victoria let's out a sound of outrage.

Rosalie pins Victoria's hands behind her back. She takes a fistful of Victoria's hair and pulls her hair back. Victoria's teeth are bared, her fangs (if you can call them that) completely out as she struggled.

Alice and Emmett run in, their eyes widening. I didn't realize I was on the floor until they came in. My legs must have become too weak.

All at once, Victoria turns over and scratches and Rosalie's face, and she screams. Victoria rolls free, her eyes set on me as she appears on front. Shs grabs the collar of my shirt and whips me up, my face close to hers.

I see her fangs again. At this moment, I regret every single joke about dying that I've ever made. I was so stupid.

Victoria is whipped away by the back of her fur coat, and Edward's dead eyes follow her. His hands close around her throat. Though she doesn't need to breathe, it still looks menacing.

"I'm doing you a favor." He says firmly, probably more for himself than anything.

He throws her against the wall, and she falls down, her body limp on the ground. My hands rush to my face. I hear myself let out a strangled sob.

Edward's arms wrap around me, my head pressed into his shoulder.

"It's over." He whispers over and over, but I don't stop sobbing. Alice is hugging me too, now, I realize. And another set of arms. Whose are those?

I open my eyes and see Bella. I gasp, and pull away from Edward and Alice.

"Oh my god," I gasp, engulfing her and pressing my hands to her face. "Are you okay, are you hurt?" Bella doesn't look uncomfortable like I thought she would.

"Are you kidding? You're the one who almost just succeeded in a suicide mission!"

"It wasn't-" I start, but Alice cuts me off. "It was incredibly stupid what you did back there, Y/N. I mean, to think-" She stops and clears her throat. "To think that we could have, possibly, lost you? What were you thinking?" I squirm, and then I remember Edward.

"Tell them, Edward." I say quietly, and he seems to pale even more. (If that's possible?)

"I can't. I can't.. I can't hear you anymore." I try to grasp what he was saying. "It's like you put up a mental barrier. It's.. incredible, actually." I remember back to what Jasper said.

But now, now it's much harder to get in your head. Your emotions, I still have a taste for them, but things are.. duller. Like sunshine beneath clouds.

I don't feel incredible. I feel like I've cheated the system and now Victoria is here, dead, because of it. Jasper (where did he come from?) lays a hand on my shoulder.

"James is dead, Y/N. Edward found him and killed him. Bella wasn't even touched." Rosalie informs me, and I feel my shoulders relax.

"Bella, how hard is it going to be to get Charlie to forgive us?"


I try to ignore how puffy Charlie's eyes are when he hugs me. I don't know what Bella said to him, but I feel extremely guilty about it.

"Are you still going to let us go to prom, Dad?" Bella asks, fiddling with her fingers. I wonder who asked her. I wonder if it was Edward. Just the thought gives me a pang of hurt, but I ignore it. Edward and I are not tied together.

Charlie seems to think about this for a second. Then he exhales.

"I'm just so glad you two are safe. And, uh, sure. Prom's fine." Bella smiles at this, and I guess I do too. That is, if I had a date.

"I'm gonna go rest." I excuse myself and go up to my room, to read probably. I don't want to worry about the world right now.

I check my phone.

Hey, will you go to prom with me?

A/N okay I love doing stuff like this. Also, I hope you guys enjoyed the whole fight scene thing that happened or something. ANYWAY, please tell me in this little pole who you want to go to prom with.

Someone in The Cullens (Edward, Jasper, Rosalie, etc.)
The Cullens have done so much for me lately.

Someone in The Pack (Jacob, Paul, Leah, etc.)
Maybe it's time to try something new.

Someone from School (Mike, Eric, Angela, etc.)
I'm so tired of this supernatural stuff, I just want a break.

Say no and go by yourself
Maybe I just need a break from people for right now.

Romantically or Platonically?

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