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"Edward." Jasper growls, a warning, as the calm feeling in my chest diminishes completely.

"I need to talk to her, Jasper." Edward snaps back, and with another look, Jasper flees, taking his calm aura with him.

"What do you want, Edward?"

He smiles softly at me.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. This whole thing.. this whole scare has really reminded me of how much you mean to me. I miss you. Will you forgive me?" He asks quietly.

I look at him in the eye.

"I appreciate your apology. I don't forgive you." I tell him, trying fo keep my voice from wavering.

"What?" His smile drops immediately. "But I thought.. I thought you wanted to forgive me."

He pauses for a moment. "You can't hold on to this whole thing forever, Y/N. I mean, it was just really a big misunderstanding."

"I'm not entitled to forgive you, Edward. And I don't plan on it. So don't hold your breath." With this I break away from him, trying to go find where Bella is so that we can have a discussion with Carlisle and Rosalie and get this whole thing sorted out.

I find Bella with Alice in the kitchen, both of them looking frustrated seemingly with each other.

"Bella." I beckon her toward me. I go to where I saw Rosalie and Carlile last, outside.

When I step out into the cold, the normally welcoming Forks sky seems oddly cold and eerie, foretelling what is to come.

Carlisle puts a comforting hand on my back.

"Y/N, Bella, I'm so glad you came out here, we have much to discuss." He informs us.

And then he begins to talk, describing in detail what they know and everything down to how they know it and what we can do with the information.

I listen intently.

"And you and Bella will stay here, protected of course by Seth and Embry." He finishes.

Rosalie scoffs.

"This place is gonna smell like mutt for weeks."

"Be nice, Rosalie." Carlisle warns gently.

"So, who all is exactly coming? I mean, we're expecting 100-200 newborns, how will we counter them?" I ask.

"Ah, that's where we get them." Carlisle explains. "They may be strong, but they have no idea what to do with their strength. They're naive, if you will. So, a few well trained vampires such as ourselves and the battle will be a piece of cake." He flashes a smile.

I lean forward, my stress levels rising.

"So you don't have anyone coming to aid us? I mean, I don't doubt you guys, I just don't want you to be overwhelmed."

Carlisle's hand moves to the back of his neck.

"Well, we did have a few people that were willing to come."

"Who?" The word slips from me.

Carlisle pats me on the back, and just then there is a knock coming from the front door.

"I'll get that." Carlisle says excusing himself.

"So when is this whole battle supposed to start?"

I ask.

"In a few days." Rosalie looks twitchy.

"But a few days is graduation." Bella finally chimes in.

And in my realization, the door to inside opens.

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