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After all is said and done- I'm in love with my ex's dad.

Okay, okay, as funny as that is- let's backtrack.

Carlisle.. is Carlisle. How I didn't see it before, I don't know. I mean, what, he's a doctor, he's hot, he's incredibly sweet.

He's a refreshment. Easy to read, easy to know. Good communication skills.

So, when my gaze shifts to the Doctor, who's in the kitchen, scanning some paperwork, my shoulders slump from their tense.

Because my existence makes sense now.


"I'm totally not ready for this. I'm not ready for this." I fret, pacing around the room and clinging to the walls desperately.

"Y/N.. Y/N, please calm down! And try not to sweat, it'll ruin your makeup." Alice says delicately, following me around the room.

"Alice!" Bella scolds her.

"What? You know I'm right."

"Y/N, please stop freaking out. You are so ready. We have been planning this for months." Bella says softly as I end up on the ground, hyperventilating.

"Y/N, please don't sit, your dress might wrinkle." Alice advises.

"Alice, can you please be quiet?" Bella asks, running a hand down her face in exasperation.

"Sorry, just thinking ahead." Alice defends herself, putting her hands up.

"If there is an ahead!" I add. 

"Y/N, please, do you want to marry Carlisle?" Bella asksn sitting bestide me and running her hands along my arm comfortingly.

I take a few deep breaths, and look up at Bella.


"Then there is nothing to worry about. Now stand up so me and Alice can smooth out your dress."


"Thank you, again."

"For what?"

"For marrying me."

"I should be thanking you."


"Hey, you've been awfully quiet."  Carlisle mutters in my ear.

"Yeah." I agree, putting ny head down.

"C'mon, you don't regret marrying me already, do you?" When I don't respond, he adds in a paranoid,

"Do you?"

I shake my head slightly.

"No, of course not." I grab his hand and start toying with it.

"Then what's the matter?"

"Edward and Jacob didn't come to our wedding." I say quietly.

"Did we invite them?"

"We did." I nod.

"And they didn't show up?" Carisle asks for clarification

"No, they didn't." I agree in a small voice.

"Oh, Y/N." Carlisle says, pressing a kiss to my temple, "I think they're just a little hurt right now. They'll come around, just give it time. Maybe it's better that they weren't there, anyway."

"Yeah, maybe so." I agree, sighing and then looking back up again to be met with an old pair of eyes.

The sight of her almost makes me jump, considering I didn't expect her here... or anywhere, to be honest.

"Aunt Marge!" Calisle beats me to it, rising and wrapping his arms around the old woman. She pats his back before pulling away.

"Alright, that's enough love for you, young man." She wags a finger at him.

"Granny Marge, I uh- I didn't know you were coming." I greet her, rising.

"Yes, well, Granny Marge only visists spontaneously, my dear. You are lucky to get a glimpse." Granny Marge informs us both.

"Yes, of course." Carlilse says, glancing to me with a tight smile to tell me not to say anything about this delusional old woman.


I hope to God you haven't forgotten about your Ancient Aunt Marge Cullen, Carliey."

"Of course not." Carlisle starts to walk off with her, sending me a sorry glance over his sholder.

I only laugh, waving him off before Bella and Paul and their very young child come to visit us.

"Oh, hey guys!" I say, greeting my cousin, my neice and Paul.

"The ceremony was beautiful, Y/N, Charlie loved it." Bella compliments, rocking her softly.

"I liked the ceremony as well." Paul adds. I laugh.

"No, but seriously, don't come to me with that. You should talk to Alice, she did all the planning and the decorating and what-not."

"Yeah, Alice will be Alice." Paul says, his arm stretching around Bella and holding her close to him.

Even though it's still super unsettling, they're a good couple. I'm at peace with it.

And again my stomach drops because Jacob and Edward weren't at my wedding. My wedding.

I don't miss them in a romantic way, however. I really just miss their presence.

They were my friends before feelings were involved.

"Okay, we'll, I'm going to go find Carlisle and make sure Granny Marge hasn't devoured him yet." I say, chuckling softly.

"Who is Granny Marge?" Bella asks.

"Who? Um, no one." I say, gritting my teeth as I turn away and search the crowd for my groom.

And I find him back in the seats where we were originally sitting, to my surprise. I make my way toward him, though still it is very hard to reach him in my dress.

When I reach him, I take a seat next to him.

"Where's Granny Marge?" I ask, smoothing out my dress in order to look perfect.

"Oh, her? She left. She's also your Aunt-in-Law, you know." Carlisle informs me.

"Yeah, I gathered that." I sigh.

"Who knew weddings could be so draining? Certainly not me." I add, running a delicate hand down my face so not to mess with the makeup.

Carlisle presses a kiss to my temple, smiling against my head. And that, at least, makes me feel better.

"I love you, Y/N."

"Yeah, yeah, I love you too."

A/N okay guys, this is actually the end :( I'll let you all know if there's a continuation of any kind, but I doubt it. I'll probably make another twilight book in a while though, if I'm not too tired of it. but, at last, thank you all so so much for being there for me throughout this book's course. I love you all :)

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