The Coven

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"You seem.. different." A voice came from beside me as I sat on a rock, watching the game. 

I looked toward him, and Jasper smiled at me, his face still tense.

It hit me that it hadn't been very long that Jasper had given up human blood, so I moved further away for his sake.

"I think I'm the same." I responded, my eyes still focused on the game as I had no idea to expect from this particular Cullen.

"You know, I'm a sort of.. empath. I know, and I feel what others feel."

Actually, I didn't know that. That's.. cool I guess.

"And usually feelings to me are like, they're like rays of sunshine peeking through to me."

"That's," any dismissive words that were going to escape my mouth got caught in my throat, "that's a beautiful way to describe it."

Jasper smiled at me, a less tense one, as if he was forgetting that I had blood circulating through my veins. It was charming.

"Yes, well, it used to be that with you too, you know. It's like that exactly with Bella, too, but it's a bit different when someone's a vampire. Less.. less warm."

I nodded, because in a way, I understood.

"Everyone comes easy to me. Even Bella, who's blocked off from Edward's mind reading," another detail that failed to reach me, "she's easy to read. But now, now it's much harder to get in your head. Your emotions, I still have a taste for them, but things are.. duller. Like sunshine beneath clouds."

"Oh." I breathed out. I didn't know how I was expected to respond, wnd somehow his way of things just made me feel guiltier.

"It's okay, though. Maybe it's better to try and guess someones feelings for once."

"Jasper, come on!" Emmett yelled from across the clearing, and with one last smile, Jasper left.

I tried to sit and watch the game for a while, but I felt as though I weighed one thousand pounds. The pounds of thunder avcompanied with the Cullen's hits made my head throb. Suddenly, I remembered that I hadn't eaten anything but a handful of popcorn since lunch yesterday, and with this realization my stomach began to feel sick.

I wish that I had been with Rosalie running through the forest again, so that maybe I could feel free for just a few seconds longer.

At least it couldn't get worse.

I was roughly aware of how Alice hit the ball too far, as I watched Emmett run deep into the forest to go retrieve it. It took him well over a minute, giving me the impression that Alice really had hit it hard.

When Emmett returned, he held the ball above his head in victory, and Esme and Carlisle clapped, laughing.

For a second this brought a smile to my face, happy that they were happy, until something in the corner of the field caught my attention. Mist was rising, spreading, quickly as I rose to get a better look.

My eyes jumped to Alice, who's bright smile faded as she looked in that direction.

Edward looked at Alice, his expression concentrated, as he ran to the sides where me, Bella, and Esme were.

"Bella, put your hair down." He muttered to her, and in turn I looked away before he could speak a word to me.

As the mist spread, and everyone stopped, Edward stepped in front of Bella.

"Y/N-" He started, "Don't." I responded quietly, sure he could hear me.

I stepped away from him, closer to the mist, and there I was left unprotected from whatever was to come out of the woods.

Not for long, of course, Rosalie stepped in front of me.

I wanted to see what was going on, and Rosalie spoke to Alice, "You said they left the country."

"They did, they were supposed to, but then they heard us, and.." Alice's usually cheerful voice was much less positive as usual and seemed fragile.

"I'm so sorry I brought you both here." Edward says, frowning.

"Stay sorry." I said quietly wihout thinking.

Then, three people emerge from the forest. One, with wild fire red hair, another with glistening dark skin, and the last, the leader, just roughly resembled Carlsile.

Glistening. They were sparkling, just like the Cullens. They were vampires, with blood red eyes.

Suddenly Charlie's words floated in my head. Animal attacks. No blood found, but animal attacks..

"Could you use three more players?" The one with dark skin asked, his face twisting into a terrifying but beautiful smile.

Rosalie frozen in front of me, her stance becoming more protective as her arm strays behind her in search for me.

I put my hand on the side of her arm for a moment, letting her know that I was still safe behind her.

"Of course." Carlisle responds smoothly, smiling much more friendly then the other vampire did.

"I'm Laurent," he says to Carlisle, "This is Victoria and James."

"Go ahead." Carlisle says again, and I'm almost bothered by how friendly he's being. Surely these people weren't safe.

Laurent picks up the bat, and I can't seem to watch as he hits the ball and a loud bang echos through the clearing and the forest around us.

Edward and Bella, beside me and Rosalie, have their eyes glued on the blonde one, James. For a moment I look at him only to see that he's staring at Rosalie. Trying to.. look through her.

"Your eating habits have seemed to make somewhat of a mess for us." Carlisle says, his tone still light and his face still relaxed.

"Our apologies, we didn't realize this territory had been claimed." Laurent says, and for a minute it feels genuine.

"Yes, we own a permanent residence here."

"Really? Well, in that case, we won't be a problem anymore." Laurent smiles at Carlisle and I let out a short breath, hoping this would be over soon and I could go home and read a book or something.

James hits the ball and runs past me and Rosalie, past Bella and Edward.

He's so fast, and, he stops. He peers at Edward and Bella with a sinister smile.

"You brought a snack." He smiles at Edward, who looks as though he's about to explode, and his hand reaches to touch Bella.

I watched his hand and suddenly the whole day flashed before me. This is what everyone had been trying to tell me. Bella matters more.

"Don't touch her." I demanded, trying to keep my voice from shaking as I stepped from behind Rosalie.

I knew I was being stupid and rash but the thought of watching Bella being eaten alive in front of me was enough to motivate what I was about to do.

"Two snacks!" James' voice raised to mock enthusiasm and I felt my fist clench.

"They're with us." Carlisle says, trying to keep James from advancing.

"They smell similar. Sisters? Cousins? Oh, I'm acting as though it matters."

"Yes, we won't harm them." Laurent said, his eyes glued to James. Bella was frozen with fear.

"James, you won't harm her." I said, swallowing my pride and taking another step towards him.

"For a human," and suddenly James was right in front of me, "You've got nerve."

"For someone I could kill in an instant," James said, his cold hand reaching to touch my face, and I winced as I waited for impact.

Rosalie and Jasper were in front of me this time. I could only see James kind of, his eyes searched theirs.

"Ok," James finally said, "I won't."

"We should go." Laurent saif, backing away and waving a goodbye to Carlisle.

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