Anarchy at it's finest

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Third person P.o.v.

Tommy, techno and wilbur were left unattended yet again this time however it was at the fair

Phil went to go and use the restroom leaveing the three boys alone and them being well them decided what to do

"I say we play the fish game!" Wilbur shouted

"What about the bouncy castle!" Tommy whined

"Hey you guys keep forgetting about the fact I want to win the giant pig plush!" Techno shouted back

"Rock paper scissors to see what we do first? Or we could all go and meet back hear let's say a half hour?" Wilbur suggested

"Sounds good" techno and tommy said in unison

They all ran off Wilbur ran to the fish game and used a ticket to play

Tommy went to the bouncy castle and used a ticket go on the castle (it was more a bouncy city)

And techno went to the dart game to win a giant pig plush

~Philza P.o.v.~
I go to the tar I left the boys at when I realized they weren't there

"Shit" I mumbled under me breath

If they weren't here they could

One have been kidnapped

Two ran off and rain havoc together

Or Three Gone to rain havoc secretly

I know them being then are definitely rain havoc somewhere

I think maybe the fish game wilbur was trying to drag us to but tommy and techno said no saying 'it would be to boring'

I walk for a minute before I spot wilbur now holding over a dozen bags of gold fish and about to be handed a fish bowl for them

I rush over

"What did you do wilbur?" I questioned

"Well dadza I wanted to play the fish game cus I wanted gold's fish but with it one ticket I didn't miss once!" Wilbur explained

"Uh that's nice wil but thats gotta be pure luck" I added

I then waited for him to get the fish bowl and his bag before we went off to fin techno

I assumed he would try and get the giant pig plush he was eyeing down earlier

So me and wil went over it the game and there he was

It seemed he was about to kill the game worker though

"Hey tech what up?" I asked when we arrived

"I popped a bloon with all three darts but he thinks I cheated and won't give me the giant pig plush!" Techno complained

"Dude hes 13 how could he cheat?" I asked the worker

"I dunno man but it's kinda sus to me" the worker answered

After is but of arguing techno got the giant pig plush and they decided to find tommy

Tommy unlike the other boys didn't show any hints to where he was going to go

And even know I was 100 percent sure techno and wilbur knew where he was the only said they didn't

After a bit of looking the giant bounce castle starts to supposedly implodes

Then I see a while bunch of kids including tommy run out

We rush over and find tommy we before I call it a day and lead them to the car

"Tommy did you by chance have something to do with the bounce castle imploding?" I questioned once we were in the car

"Uh  well it depends who you ask" he replies with a grin

"So you did huh" I added

Tommy hums in agreement

I really can't leave then unattended for more then five minutes can i

End of chapter
Have a nice day! Or night!
Word count 598

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