Can of red bull by the bed

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It was a normal thing for Phil to check his son's room

Not search around he respects their privacy but check see if there clean

He did it once a month

He hadn't checked any of his sons room the past three months so he went to techno room first

It was clean to the blind eye

The to wilbur's

It was clean he has a few unopened monster cans but there were unopened so Phil didn't care

Last was tommys

Tommy room was the messiest by a small items out of place

Out if place for tommy anyway

He book shelf was organized

The floor was spotless

The bed was made

There was no trash

The room was pretty much completely reagranged

The did spark Phil interest however seeing as it was decently rare any of his sons slept

They were either playing Minecraft or rearranging there rooms

Not normal cleaning them unless asked

Or provoked to by a random Hurst of energy at 3 am

The bed side take had a red bull

Red bulls fine

It's not like energy drinks are banned I'm the house hold

I mead wilbur drinks monster

Techno and Phil have coffee

But it was rare for tommy to drink energy drink since the made him sick

Phil just shrugged it off as ninja endorses it so he bought one

The next month Phil did another room check

Everything was fine I mean Wilbur now only had three monster cans in his room

Techno had a sword on his wall Phil didn't know about

Tommy added a while new small shelf by his bed to hold his youtooz

But another can of red bull was on tommy bed side table there was now two a open one and a closed one

Phil again shrugged it off as ninja endorses it

The next month Phil did another room check

Wilbur and tommy swapped wardrobes

Techno had gotten another sword on the wall

The normal ish things

This time phil had to asked techno, Wilbur, and tommy to clean up their rooms a bit

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