The only logical thing

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"tommy your not supposed to be here" Phil stated from the door way of techno's house

Tommy was currently on the porch with alot of people

It was Sam, Sam nook, purpled, tubbo, ranboo, Michael, shroud, Wilbur and quackity

Techno agreed to hold thanksgiving at his house seeing as Phil is (was supposed to be) mumzas

But he wasn't

Tommy just nodded handing shroud and Michael to ranboo and Tubbo

"Tom-" purpled started

"It's fine I'll be right back, Phil you'll join for a walk right" tommy questioned

Phil nodded for the soul reason he was curious

The others went inside and greeted techno

Some helped Cook while others set the table

Sam nook just played with the kids

It had been about a hour and neither tommy or Phil were back

Techno was a bit worried

I mean they went on a walk? Together?

No fuckin way

They were either fighting again

Or talking out their problems....

Probably the first one

Then Phil entered through the front door

He apologized to techno and went to his house for the night

That's ood...

Techno got everyone set up and the able and told them to start eating n shit while he went to find tommy

In techno's mind the only logical answer was tommy was laying somewhere bleeding out

So he went to snow chester

There he found tommy

He wasn't bleeding out


He did have a few injuries

"Oh toms" techno said looking over the boys wounds "what happened"

"I fell" tommy explained

He ribs were bruised which was more likely to happen from a punch then falling

He had a twisted ankle that techno had yet to notice

Techno would talk with Phil about this

"We should go back bubs" techno started "mumzas should be coming over any minute now"

The front door opened then closed

"I think i went to the wrong house" mumzas chuckled

Almost like she was summoned at the mention of her name

"Mumza" tommy shouted jumping in her arms

"Hey boys" she smiled "wheres the others? Please for the love of XD don't say techno's house i told Phil i had business and couldn't make it"

"Lying to the angel of death?" Techno questioned

"I'm the goddess of death it's fine" she stated setting tommy on the couch and hugging techno

"Yeah yeah" techno chuckled
"Phil's at his house and dinners at mine"

"Then shall we?" She questioned

"We shall" both techno and tommy said at the same time

The three started walking to techno's

Both techno and mumza kept a eye on tommy seeing as 'the fall' did alot of damage to him

When they got to techno the three walked through the door and saw the rest of the family

Mumza said her hellos giving each shroud and Michael a bag of sweets like the grandmother she is

End of chapter

Hello friends

I went to a Zach Bryan consert last night :))

Word count 495

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