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The sleepybois house hold consistend of techno, Wilbur, Phil and Tate

One day tate was on her phone

He saw someone who had been using they/them pronouns

So she did some more research and asked if tubbo and ranboo could try and use them for Tate

The boys agreed

After that Tate went downstairs they grabbed a coke which resulted in techno taking it from her (them)

"What the fuck techno" they complained

"Techno give it back to her (them)" phil said

Techno gave it back and they went separate ways

Tate went to their room

They locked the door behind them

They didn't know what the wanted but they knew for a for a fact she/her pronouns weren't quite working out for them

They message ranboo and Tubbo again telling them

Tubbo asked if it was ok for him to call Tate big man

They agreed

And ranboo asked if they wanted to go by anything else

They said they weren't sure

A few months later Tate was again debating things

They asked their friends is they could maybe try using he/they pronouns

They agreed and again asked if there was anything else he wanted to go by

He told them tommy

Tommy would wear two sports bras and over sized hoodies unless they had to wear something else

One day tommy searched up binders in the internet

He had been saving some money for no real reason and thought maybe they would use it for a Binder

They found one within their price range

They ordered it on the spot

By the time he realized what he had done the order had already been passed and there was a no refund policy

Well damn

He was screwed

Thankfully they got a the order confirmation sent to his email and not Phil's

When the package arrived tommy was home alone so they went to their room to try it on

They were very happy with it and put it on with one of techno's hoodies

Now he had the name

And The binder

All they were missing was the hair

See Tate has long hair but he wasn't Tate anymore

Maybe it was time to tell his family?

Techno goes by he/they why couldn't he?

But they didn't want to upset Phil i mean he already had to other boys what if Phil didn't want a third

No it would be fine


He asked his friends to wish them luck and waited for their family to come home

When the family returned home 'tate' (tommy)  asked them for a family meeting in the living room

"What's this about Tate? (Tommy)" techno asked

"Ok" he started "I'd perfer if you maybe didn't call me that"

"What should we call you then?" Phil questioned

"Maybe tommy?" He asked

"Of course" Wilbur smiled

"Do you go by they/them or like he/him now or what's going on?" Phil questioned the child

"He/they i what I'd like to go with" tommy said

"Would you like me to order you a binder?" Phil asked the boy

"I actually ordered one" they said with a huge smile on their face

"Do you want me to take you to get your hair cut?" Techno questioned

Tommy nodded the quicker the better

Techno booked a appointment to get Tommy's hair cut for tomorrow

That night tommy fell asleep in their binder but didn't think anything of it

He woke up and his ribs hurt

He went downstairs

"Good morning boys" Phil smiled as all of his the children entered the room

They all muttered a good morning

Phil made them all a plate of eggs

After breakfast Phil remember tommy said they ordered a binder already

"Hey toms? When is your binder supposed to come in?" He asked

"It came in yesterday actually" tommy chuckled then wincing at his own actions

"Tommy" Phil sighed

"Hm?" They questioned

"Did your fall asleep in the binder by chance?" He asked

Tommy slowly nodded

Why don't you go take it off and change into  something more comfortable? Then we can watch up?" Phil suggested

Tommy nodded and went upstairs to change in to his biggest hoodie

End of chapter

Food and water yourselfs -.-

Word count 713

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