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There once lived a man named philza minecraft

Phil lived a peaceful life went on many adventures untill one day

One day phil was wondering a forest and found three children

All hybrids like him self

Except one but that one was mearly a infant

The oldest a piglin hybrid was trying to protect what looked like his brothers from Phil

The middle child was crying to calm the youngest down

The middle child looked like a fish with it's scales but was definitely a siren

It took almost five hour for phil to convince the piglin hybrid he was safe and just wanted to help the three boys

Took a week to learn their names

The piglin's name was Technoblade

The sirens name was wilbur

And the infants name was Thomas

He found out the three were brothers

After a month techno wasn't as fence around phil as he first was

After five months phil adopted two 8 year olds and a three year old

After a year phil stoped going on all adventures other then to the near by village and he always brought his kids

After two years tommy grew wings

After 6 years the nine year old and the Younger 14 year old made plans for a drug empire

After 8 years the older 16 year old had gained the nickname blood god from the near by village

After 10 years tommy was thirteen. Techno and wilbur were eighteen

Phil was proud what his kids grew up to be

Because after 13 years the sixteen year old and youngest 21 year old had took their plans a started a nation

The had a cause and when things got serious with the wars phil and techno decided to help

Dadza as his children calls him always patched up the cut and bruises his kids had got while fighting

After 15 years his children were all grown up

Tommy was 18

Techno and wilbur were 23

Wilbur had died and been review

Tommy had died and been review

Techno retired at the ripe age of 22

They loved a good life and phil will never forget the day he found his child in the woods and how techno swore to protect his brothers

He'll never forget when tommy grew wings

He'll never forget techno and wilburs 10th birthday part where tommy tried to bake then a cake

Philza will never forget the day techno had recived the title blood god at the neighboring village

He'll never forget when tommy and wilbur were going about building a drug empire and years later did just that

He'll never forget the first time techno called him dad

Or the last time tommy saw tubbo

He'll never forget the time he spent with his sons his family

Philza will never for get them

End of chapter

Dadza :]

Word count 478

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