icy waters

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~not my original idea~

The Sleepy bois were board and it was showing so when phil suggested to go to the near by village the all agree right away

They want to their rooms and put on their jackets and grab anything they needed

The then proceeded to head to the village

They were talking about random things from random spots in their brains

Once they were about half way through their 30 minute walk tommy was getting board

"Are we almost there?" Tommy asked

"No toms It'll take like 10 minutes" phil answered

"Fine" tommy sighed

Tommy went to the back group since he was walking slower

About five minutes later techno relized he lead the group the wrong way

The were about to turn back then from where tommy and techno were standing was a crack

They had both at this point relized they had been standing on some boy of water

"Shit" phil muttered realizing that two out of three of his sons were stuck on a frozen lake

"Tech, toms I need you both to stay still ok?" Wilbur asked the two boys

"Ok" techno replied

"Ok I need you chose one of you to come back first ok?" Wilbur questioned

Another crack was heard

"Techno needs to come first he weighs more then tommy and I have a feeling if we don't get techno off the ice now both of them will fall in" phil said looking to wilbur "techno get on you stomach and slide over yeah?"

Techno did as he was told he got down on his stomach and slide over to his father and brother were

As soon and techno was on solid ground another crack was heard

The weight difference cause it

"Toms, hey Tom's?" Phil shouted

Tommy was terrified he could feel the ice cracking under him

"Tommy!" Wilbur shouted

Tommy snaped out of his thoughts and turned to wilbur

"Y-yes" tommy replied

"We need you to do the same thing techno did bubs" phil asked of the boy

Tommy slightly nodded his head and got on his knees

Another crack was heard

Tommy layed on his stomach and started to slide towards his father and brothers and he heard a loud crack and felt the ground under his feet fall

He heard shouts from techno wilbur and phil tommy tried to slide away and before he knew it tommy was completely underwater

It was freezing and all black though that's because of the closed eyes

Tommy opened his eyes still hearing some muffled shouts that he couldn't quoted hear what they were saying

Tommy looked up and saw  the hole he fell into

He swam up and gasped for air when he reached the top

"There" someone yelled

"Tommy can you grab this rope so we can pull you out" another person yelled

Tommy saw a rope land next to him

He  grabbed the rope and tied it around his waist before grabing the other part of the rope his both hands

Easily the phil pulled the rope up by him self

It's actually concerning how light tommy was
But I mean he's naturally light

Once in solid ground tommy relized how freezing he was phil quickly took his coat off and put it on tommy's shoulders

They rushed home as quickly as the could which still took 15 minutes

As soon as they got home techno started the fire place while wilbur went up to get tommy some dry clothes

As soon as the fire was light phil handed tommy to techno and went to go get some fluffy blankets

A few moments later wilbur returned to the living room with a comfortable  outfit for tommy

"Put this on toms" wilbur said handing the outfit to tommy

The outfit was wilbur's yellow sweater that tommy loved for some reason and tommy fluffy pajama pants

Tommy put the clothes on  and then just walked over to where techno and wilbur sat by he fire

Tommy sat in between the two boys and curled into wilbur's side

A little bit later phil came down with three fully blankets

He put one around each of his sons shoulders and then went to sit on the couch

End of chapter

Hello friends how are you?

I hope you have a good day, night, evening or afternoon!

Word count 724

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