Grocery store au head Cannons

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Hello friends

I would like to say y'all loved the grocery store au and loved to write it and for some reason I have some head Cannons stuck in my head

Here we go

One time phil had to drive wilbur and techno to a friend's house so they left tommy in charge but a robber came in, after they got back to the store since the police called phil they saw tommy beating the robber with a baguette

Wilbur has begged phil for months to fire Jared for trying to steal Sally from him

Sally is wilbur's girlfriend ofc

Techno refuses to let phil sell bacon at the store

Wilbur refuses to let phil sell fish at the store

Phil fired Jared for treating tommy wilbur and techno like shit and trying to convince phil to sell bacon and fish

Tommy once grabbed a small cup of cookies off the shelf and opened it to eat after phil said he could and a Karen started to yell at him for stealing  (phil banned the woman from the store right away making her the first banned customer)

Techno takes a bag of gold chocolate coin from the store everyday and puts them in the cabinets in the employee break room

Niki loves when tommy helps bake since other then her and fundy he's the best

Wilbur almost fired tommy on his first day for having a stuffed cow while working

Phil got his nickname philza when he accidentally shocked someone with a battery

Techno will sometimes find tommy asleep in the break room on his break so he puts a blanket over him

Tommy's terrified of thunder and lighting so he waits with Phil in his office when it thunderstorms so phil can calm him down

Wilbur once slapped a bitch for making tommy cry and saying techno was ugly

Techno and tommy once got locked in the walk in freezer for two hours since they wanted ice cream

Phil has only ever banned 6 people from the store so far (Jared being one)

Tommy always uses his own pay check to but snacks at the store for when he's working even if phil says he doesn't have to

Phil got his bucket hat the day he opened his store from techno and wilbur

Tommy carrys Henry the stuffed cow with him around the store when he's sad or scared

Wilbur almost got kick from the store by a new employee while not wearing a work uniform and saying random shit on the intercom

Techno almost drop kicked a child for snaching Henry from tommy

When tommy hasn't slept in a few days he falls asleep in the break room on his break

Wilbur always tells Sally about his family

Techno usually hangs out in the break room or stocking shelf's so less social interaction

Phil one hundred percent favorites tommy, wilbur, and techno over the other employees

End of chapter

Word count 494

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