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There was once man named philza Minecraft

He went Everywhere near and far he flew with th jet black wings that stood on his back

Similar to a birds

That gained him the nick name birdza throughout the towns eh stoped in

Phil like a bird hard his own flock

His flock/family consistented of him and his three sons

Techno, wilbur, and tommy

None of the his three sons had wings they were all adopted found in his many adventures through the years

Philza loves his family very much but was still almost never home

This upset the hole of the family

Especially the youngest who had gotten a little bit to attached to phil then one day phil just left

Phil had something he called bird brain

Bird brain did things he didn't always want to do like leaving unannounced

Or wanting to just sit and cuddle with his family everytime he saw them

There's nothing wrong with cuddling and watching movies but it was everytime he saw his family

The kids were annoyed

Phil adopted tommy the tommy clinged on to I'm for a week untill phil left unannounced

Phil was the first adult tommy had completely trusted not so much anymore after he left like that

But phil had gone on many adventures he went to the nether where he found the lost piglin hybrid

He went to the shores where he found a also lost siren hybrid

He went to his back yard and found a very lost raccoon hybrid

He went to the end dimension and fought the dragon something not many others could do

But he could only get that far because of his wings

He went to hundreds of other places and still dose

Sure his misses his flock

And is aware he is the reason for one of his children's trust issues

But he has fun being birdza and flying around

End of chapter

This one was I think the shortest out of all the storys lmao but I hope you liked it

Birdza won so let's pick again why don't we

Here are he options:

Strawberry Henry



Sleepless nights

(Anything else you guys want to see)

Sleepyboisinc But OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now