The boraddwalk

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It was 8 am when tommy was rudely awakened by technoblade

"Wake up and get dressed were leaving in two hours" he said leaving the room

Tommy layed there for a minute before getting up and getting dressed

It was to early to comprehend where they were going

He remembered that they were going to the beach to see big boat

He put on his swim trunks and swim shirt

He packed a drawstring bag with a towel, his phone charger and sweatshirt inside

He didn't bother to eat breakfast just throwing his shoes on and sat on the couch

He sat there scrolling on Twitter for about a a hour and a half before Wilbur informed him it was time to go

Phil drove, Wilbur was in the passengers seat and techno and tommy were in the back

The trip was going well

It was a three and a half hour car ride to the beach where the boat was

When they pulled into the town Phil sighed "now we have to find parking"

"It's a Tuesday afternoon it shouldn't be to hard" techno added

And it wasn't they found Parking and ate their packed sandwiches

After lunch they exited the car and walked to the boardwalk

The found two sharks some fishermen caught

They were statutes to tribute to the shark chapters of the world?

No one know so they just went with it

Turned out the were far from where the needed to be

The started walking down the boardwalk a bit and found a claw machine

It had tommys favorite thing in the world


(I'm aware it's spelled squishmallow but i call them squishymellows :'])

Phil saw him eyeing the machine and handed him two dollars in quarters

He handed Wilbur and techno the same

Tommy went straight for the squishy claw machine

He saw a green tye dye dinosaur

It was the easiest to get so he went for it

The first try he was very close but missed

With his second dollar he got the squishmallow

He practically squealed when he picked it up

He was very happy

Phil took a photo of the very happy child holding the squishmallow

Sleepyboisinc But OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang