I Won't just leave you

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Techno and wilbur were walking around

They were sitting under a tree when the sun started to set

Long story short they were not ready they hadn't planed to be out this long

The two quickly started to run towards their home

They were running when wilbur got shot in the heel of his foot with a arrow

"Shit" wilbur said out loud

Techno looked back to see his brother on the ground so he ran back to where wilbur was

The arrow was decently deep In wilbur's foot it was clear he wouldn't be able to walk

"Techno go just leave me I'll be right behind you I'm fine" wilbur told the older

"Wilbur, your my little brother I won't just leave you here" techno said helping wilbur to his feet "also stop being so dramatic man this happens like twice a week"

The two brothers laughed as techno helped wilbur home

The wall was short only around five minute walk with techno carrying wilbur and running

The two boys opened the door to their house to see blood

Blood and gallons of the stuff

It was terrifing

Techno left wilbur at the ground door and said wait there

As soon of techno was about to investigate the house phil walked down the stairs

Covered in blood as well just a lot less

"Hey boys your home late" phil said walking to the boys

"Yeah but not the point why the fuck is there a puddle of blood?" Wilbur questioned

Wilbur started walking towards phil but fell to the ground due to the arrow in his foot

"Did you get shot again? Wilbur that's why you were armor mate" phil said come to where wilbur sat on the ground with a health pot

A few minutes later wilbur was fine and techno was just watching from the corner

"Phil where's toms?" Techno questioned

"Well you see tom-" phil was cut off from wilbur screaming

Phil looked over and saw that  wilbur was sprouting siren features

Wilbur now has slightly pointed ears and a few scales growing in his arms

Phil rushed over to the boy who was now covered in blood and took out a healing potion to help with the blood

After a half hour of that phil picked wilbur up and brought him to his room to sleep

Phil then came downstairs to see horror in technos eyes

Techno has seen some horrible things but non of that prepared his for seeing his baby brother scream in pain and growing pointed ears and scales

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