The violin

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Because you people requested Wilbur angst I give you a techno chapter >:)

I will post a Wilbur chapter today or tomorrow ofc tho

Till then enjoy


The violin was one of the few instruments techno had a appreciation for

Techno had a violin

It wasn't his originally but at the same time it sorta was

It belonged to Phil

It was given to Phil by his late mother who got it from her mother

It had flowers all over it and he played it well

When techno was first adopted he found it in Phil's room while exploring

Techno being himself took the violin to Phil and asked him about it

Phil explained it was from his mother

Skip a few years and techno stumbled upon the violin again

He was 14 and was more interested in learning how to play

So techno again brought the violin to Phil

"You want to learn how to play the violin?" Phil questioned decently surprised at technos request

Techno just nodded

Phil took the violin out of the case and tuned it and got the bow ready before teaching techno the standard scale

Techno pick up the scale decently east and started to teach himself songs

He would play his violin while Wilbur would play his guitar

He was doing well for him self

One day he left the violin at home with the case

He forgot about the heat that day

No one was home so the ac was off

He had been gone five hours hanging out with dream

He forgot about the violin

It was ruined

It had fallen apart in the few hours he was gone

Techno had tears streaming down his face looking at the now melted violin

He didn't want to call Phil and tell him what happened

He just sat there and cried looking at the violin

He left the house again this time taking the violin with him

He brought it to the music store and the said the could glue it back together and fix the stings

Techno waited for them to fix his violin

After a hour they said it was done and he took it home and turn in the ac

He told phil what happened and Phil asked if the violin was fixed now

Techno nodded and went to his room

End of chapter

You know I'll tell you a story.

In the fourth grade I picked up playing the violin my third cousin gave me her old violin since she didn't play

In the summer of faith grade I left in home in the summer heat and it fucking melted

Like why

I know my teacher said it could happen

But howww

Anyway I didn't get it fixed and it's beens sitting in the corner of my room for years

Don't be like me

Word count 477

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