chapter three

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"The dreams are getting worse," my mother whispered into the phone. I had snuck downstairs after I heard her talking. "I don't want to send him, but I'm afraid I might have to." She sniffled and sighed. "Okay. You can get him tomorrow. I-" she stopped, before taking a while to respond. "Thank you so much. Just...take care of him for me, yeah? And make sure he comes back in one piece." She paused. "Thank you. Goodbye." She hung up the phone, before slumping into a chair in the dining room table and sobbing into her arms.

What was I supposed to do? Comfort her? Ask her what was wrong? Should I even reveal myself?

"I'm so sorry," she whispered to herself. "I wish I didn't have to send him." That's when I realized she was talking to a picture. "I should've shielded him more. I'm so sorry," she whispered, before falling into another heap of sobs. I turned away, feeling my eyes burn with tears as my mother cried. She was so broken about this...

I decided to let her have her peace, so I went back upstairs, crawled into bed, and went back to sleep.

"Calum?" my mother asked, knocking on my bedroom door. I stirred and woke up, considering I had only been in a light sleep. She walked in and smiled at me softly and sadly, before sitting at the foot at my bed. "Remember that camp I didn't want Greyson going to?" she asked and I nodded groggily. "It was actually a camp for you. And the director there...he really wants you to be there. He thinks it's what's best for you."

"But...there are other people-"

"Other people like you, Calum. There are other people like you there. People who are different."

"Like...they touch things and they die?"

"No...they're a different kind of different. Your father warned me about this camp. It would put you in danger but protect you as well. I think...I think I'll just have to let you go," she looked extremely disheartened.

"How long am I going?" I asked and she sighed.

"However long you want to, Calum. Your ride will be here soon. I...I'm so sorry," she looked away, as if she were ashamed. "Pack some clothes. I..." she choked back a sob, before getting up and walking out.

Veda walked in shortly after.

"Calum, your mom told me about this camp. I think it'll be good for you," she said and smiled that graceful smile that made me instantly feel better.

"Okay. Thanks Veda."

She helped me back a couple of clothes into a smal backpack, before turning to look at there open door. She laid something on the bed and I looked at it, my eyes widening.


"It'll protect you. I promise."

It looked like a small sword, but it was sheathed and curved almost like a sickle.

"That's a harpe. Perseus' harpe," she explained in a whisper.

"I don't-"

"The Greek hero. Son of Zeus...the constellation?" she asked, seeming confused that I didn't understand what he was talking about. "He used this to kill Medusa."

"Medusa isn't real," I murmured and she looked at me like I was crazy, which was funny, because she was the one telling me a snake-haired lady was real. The doorbell rang. She handed me a belt that had a place to hold the so-called 'harpe'. I hid them in my backpack, though I was wary.

"Keep in contact while you're gone, okay?"

"Alright..." I trailed off, slinging the backpack over my shoulder.

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