chapter ten

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When Nico was asleep, I crept out of the cabin, closing the door softly. I went to the back of it and saw Veda staring up at the moon. She had Iris-Messaged me earlier and told me she was coming. I said I had questions and she promised to answer them for me. She noticed me and gave me a smile.

"Hey Calum," she said quietly and I sat next to her, staring up at the sky. The moon was full and stars dotted the black sky in constellations. "Remember Perseus? The constellation I was telling you about?" she asked, pointing to a pattern in the sky. "That's him."

  I nodded and pulled my knees up to my chest, leaning by back against the back of the cabin. She scooted back as well.

  "You're a demigod, aren't you? That's what Chiron said," I asked and she looked over at me.

  "Yes, I am."

  "So, who's your godly parent?" I inquired and she sighed, looking up at the moon.

  "Before I tell you that...I want you to know that Bobby's not even my real father. My father died when I was very, very young," she explained, blinking her eyes and staring at the ground as if she was trying to get something out. "Two years ago, I ran from Camp. I didn't tell anyone, and I didn't let anyone contact me. Half of a year after that, I was assigned to protect and watch over you."

  "But I've known you since I was six," I murmured out. She avoided making eye contact with me. 

  "I manipulated the Mist to make you and Bobby, Greyson, Greg, and your mother to believe that. I've only known you for about a year and a half."

  "The Mist?"

  "It shields the mortals eyes from things they're not supposed to see, like monsters and gods. Some demigods can manipulate it."

  "You're lying," I said softly, staring ahead of me.

  "I wish I was," she whispered. "I only tinkered with the memories of me, I swear."

  "So, you weren't really there when Bobby threw the cat at me..."

  "No," she confirmed. "But everyone else in that house believes I was."

  "I want you to erase the memories," I whispered and her eyes widened as she stared at me. "Erase the fake ones. I want to know how my life really happened."

  Her eyes portrayed her hurt. Something in me didn't care that I had upset her. She lied to me. My eyes closed for a split second, and when I opened them, I saw everything run through my head as it had truly been, not how Veda had manipulated it. I sighed and felt my eyes burn. I felt betrayed and hurt.

  "My mother is Hecate, the goddess of magic," Veda said quietly, before I heard her sniffle. "Everything I did - manipulating your memories - it was to protect you. I was supposed to look after you."

  "Why?" I inquired.

  "Because you're the only son of Thanatos in existence." The news didn't surprise me. I didn't expect any other children to waltz in with death powers. "You're special."

  "Nico's the only son of Hades," I commented and Veda glanced over at me.

  "No, he's not. There's a girl named Hazel that's a daughter of Pluto," Veda said, and I somewhat forgot that Nico had mentioned it. "And Nico had a full-blood sister named Bianca."

  "Where is she?" I couldn't help but ask, looking over at her. She sighed. 

  "She died a few years ago-"

  "Who are you?" a voice demanded and I jumped, feeling my heart race. I looked to see Nico standing in front of Veda and I, his sword out and ready. His eyes were hard and steely and I clambered back behind Veda.

  "I'm Veda," she replied evenly, a hand on something behind her back. I noticed it was a bracelet wrapped around her wrist.

  "How do you know about Bianca?" he asked, his eyes sad, yet angry.

  "I was in the Underworld when she came down. I knew she was a child of Hades, and when she mentioned she had a brother..."

  Suddenly, the bracelet snapped and Veda had a silver bow and arrow in her hands, an arrow already pointed at Nico's chest. She would be able to hit him before he could attack her. I grabbed her wrist. 

  "Veda," I whispered, feeling panic rise up in my chest and force a lump into my throat. Something in me was surprised she didn't die, but then I remembered she said she had been in the Underworld.

  "If he puts down the sword, I'll put down the bow," she compromised.

  "Fine," Nico replied through clenched teeth, as he set his sword in the ground and raised his hands up in surrender. I felt tension in her wrist, and before I could think, I grabbed her arm and pulled it. An arrow fired off into the distance and I pushed her away from me.

  "Are you insane?!" I snapped, instantly coming between her and Nico. 

  "You don't know what I've seen, son of Hades. I know what you're destined to do," Veda said, another arrow notched in her bow.

  "I don't know what you mean," Nico replied, his voice even, given the situation.

  "I've been blessed with seeing the future. I cannot allow you to live."

  "Veda, remember what you told me one time?" I asked softly and her eyes met mine. "I said that you shouldn't bring the flowers because I knew I would end up killing them. You told me that the future was fluid," I said. "Whatever you've seen could change."

  "I can't chance it," she murmured, her bow trained on me - rather, not me, but the boy behind me.

  "I won't let you," I replied, smoke curling around my feet. I felt a tug at my gut and forced it to move towards her. It began to wrap around her bow, but she dropped it and scrambled back. I let it retreat back to the ground and glared at her. "Don't come near me or Nico again," I demanded and her eyes widened.


  "You've done enough to prove that I can't trust you," I said. "Maybe when you're not pointing an arrow at my friend, we can talk."

  I pushed Nico towards the cabin and picked up his sword, before entering the cabin and locking the door. I handed him his sword and sighed, leaning my forehead against the door.

  "Thank you," Nico whispered and I turned to him, my eyebrows furrowed.

  "For what?"

  "For-for that. You stood in the path of an arrow so that I wouldn't-"

  "I wasn't just going to let her hurt you," I admitted, feeling my cheeks heat up.

  "She's like your sister. And you stood up to her for me," he breathed out. "It's just...that was incredible."

  I felt my cheeks flush as I stared at the ground, avoiding his eyes. Suddenly, his arms were wrapped around me and I felt my heart flutter. I hugged him back, feeling my face heat up.

  "Seriously, Cal...thank you."

Boys Like Boys [Nico di Angelo]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin