chapter twenty-nine

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  Nico's words rested heavy on my shoulders for two days. I was quiet and distant, afraid to show myself to the world incase another incident like that occurred again. Nico was as supportive as he could be, bringing me food I wouldn't eat and offering for us to go training or hang out with Percy.

  I had a lot to think about. I didn't even feel the darkness hit, but then again, it wasn't even the darkness. The Darkness. Maybe if I personified it I could get a better grip. It was just me. I wasn't a tool of Atë anymore, I had made myself into a monster. No, she had made me into a monster. Veda made me into a monster. Bobby made me into a monster.

  Maybe Veda was right. I am just a crybaby.

  "Cal," Nico said, sitting next to me on my bed. I was reading a book, the Iliad or something like that. It was pretty interesting...or it would be, if I could understand what it was saying. "You need to go outside."

  "Why?" I inquired, shutting the book and setting it next to me.  

  "Everyone's worried about you," he murmured, cupping my face and turning it to look at him. Out eyes met and I quickly looked away. I saw him frown out of the corner of my eye. "Please? For me?" he inquired, moving his face closer to mine.


  "Calum," he teased, giving me a smile. "C'mon, you don't need to be holed up because of-"

  "Because I'm a monster and I'll just end up hurting everyone?" I asked and his smile fell.

  "Don't be like that," he said softly, frowning. "You know you're not bad-"

  "I don't know that, Nico. That's the problem," I whimpered, pressing my forehead to his shoulder. "I don't know what to do."  

  "Go outside?" he offered and I sighed, coming back up so I was face to face with him, watching his eyes move down to my lips. "You know it's been two days since I've kissed you?"

"Oh no. How will you cope?" I asked sarcastically and he smiled, causing me to smile as well.

"I'll kiss you only if you shower, wash your hair, and brush your teeth," he said, giving me a wide smile. I rolled my eyes but agreed, grabbing a change of clothes and heading into the bathroom.


"Hellooo," Nico whistled, grabbing my hand and twirling me around. "You're all clean and attractive and you smell nice."

"Assuming I'm not attractive when I haven't showered in a few days."

"Still are. Your eyes were sad and it made me sad and-" he stopped himself. "Anyway I'm glad you're back. Let's go to the campfire-"

"Wait," I murmured, pulling him close to me so that our faces were only a few inches apart. "Remember our deal?"

"How could I forget?" he murmured and leaned down, pecking my lips. He pulled away with a smile and tugged me out of the door. I instantly noticed that it was extremely cold outside - okay, maybe not that cold, but still - and there were decorations hanging up around each of the cabins except ours. "We need to decorate."

"For what?" I inquired, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Christmas. It's six days away."

My heart stopped in my chest. Six days - that was when I was to leave for Atë. How had I not noticed before?

"You okay?" Nico asked, lacing our fingers together.

"Yeah - yeah...the Greeks celebrate Christmas?" I asked.

"Well...a lot of people here still believe in Jesus and capital 'g' God, or whatever they believe in. Some of them think all of the gods or God live in harmony together, others think the gods are powerful but not deities. Jewish demigods celebrate their holidays, or Muslim demigods celebrate's like...I don't know. I've always enjoyed this time because it was everyone coming together regardless of religion or faith. Y'know?" he asked and I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"You're cute."

"I try," he murmured, before pulling me along to the campfire. The fire was beginning to rise up and we found a seat by Percy, Jason, Leo, Annabeth, and Piper.

  "Calum, it's been a while," Annabeth murmured and I blinked, before nodding.

  "Yeah...I guess it has."

  "See? People missed you," Nico whispered in my ear and I turned to him and smiled, watching as he grinned.

  I heard something jingle above my head, so I looked up to see Jason holding mistletoe over me.

  "It's only been two days. Why did everyone decide to get into the Christmas spirit now?" I asked, shaking my head.

  "Who you gonna kiss?" Percy teased, a sly grin on his face, like he knew exactly what he was doing. I looked to Nico, but he was looking away from me, a dark blush littering his cheeks. He looked at me and his eyes portrayed nervousness.

  "Since Nico doesn't wanna do it, I guess I gotta kiss Percy," I said nonchalantly, standing up and walking over to Percy.

  "Wait, what?" he whispered and probably said something else, but I didn't hear it. I was too busy being quickly turned around to face Nico, cold hands cupping my face as our lips met. It wasn't a peck this time, I was something more. His cold lips moved against mine softly and slowly, and granted I didn't really know what I was doing, I followed his lead. It lasted a few more seconds, before he pulled away.

  My cheeks began to burn when I realized everyone had seen our kiss. Jason and Percy whistled while Piper (and Leo) squealed.

  "You just did that," I whispered, noticing his bright red cheeks.

  "I just did that," he confirmed.

  "In front of everyone."

  "In front of everyone," he repeated, before realization settled onto his face. "I just did that," he whispered, looking terrified. "In front of the entire camp."

  "Why are you so scared?" I asked and his eyebrows furrowed.

  "I wasn't planning on - Christmas - I didn't-"

  "Hey," I murmured, cutting him off. "Weren't you the one that told me it was okay for boys to kiss boys?" I asked and he stopped freaking out for a second. Suddenly, a smile bloomed onto his face.

  "Yeah...yeah, I did say that," he murmured, a smirk on his lips, before he pulled me in for another kiss.

  (A/N: Merry Christmas ya filthy animals)

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