Chapter 6

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Peter grinned from ear to ear as we pulled into the hidden garage. He leaned up against the closed door that lead to the rest of the place. The Avengers were currently staying at one of Stark's towers in secret. The tower was originally for research on new weapons, but Tony had other plans. He wanted only his most trusted scientists to stay at the tower and help him find and figure out other worldly things, along with anything else the Avengers needed. The Avengers lived on the floor underneath the penthouse, while Tony, of course, lived in the penthouse. He had Pepper run the other tower and the company. That way, she was always safe from danger if the Avengers' tower was under attack.

I got out of the car with my stuff and smiled. "I thought I said don't look for me."

He raised his eyebrows and said, "I personally wasn't supposed to. Natasha went looking for you."

I scoffed and pushed him playfully. "You're such a smartass."

"But I'm your smartass cousin," he pointed out and lead the way to the elevator. He pushed the button to go to the eighteenth floor. "I already have a room for you that's all set up."

I nodded and motioned to Natasha. "Thanks for letting me stay here. I know it's difficult already with Peter around." Peter scoffed and chuckled. "I really appreciate it."

"It's not a problem," she replied. She stood there checking her wound to see if it was still bleeding the tiniest bit. "We always have room for more people with goals like us."

I felt as welcomed there as I did at Xavier's school. I counted that as a good thing. I had a home where I could be with some family and do things for the greater good. I knew there wouldn't be a welcoming wagon like there was with Logan's family, but I would just have to get used to it. I was in hostile territory for some of these people. I just had to figure out which. We walked into the living room, which was extremely nice. Gray tile covered the floors and the walls were a creamy white. Paintings of different varieties hung on the walls. A pinball machine was set in the corner behind the couch and television. Some game systems were set up next to the television. Bookshelves of books and movies lined one wall and a beverage machine leaned against the remaining wall. It seemed like a relaxation haven.

Clint Barton spotted us immediately when we walked into the living room. He jumped off the couch and crossed his arms, like he was defending his territory. His jaw clenched and his face nearly turned red in seconds. "Why in the hell is she here?"

"She's been compromised. She has nowhere to stay," Peter explained shortly. He grabbed my duffel bag and started to walk off until Barton spoke again.

"She can stay somewhere else." He tilted his head a bit and his eyes narrowed on me. This was starting to cause a big scene, so everyone else in the living room turned to me. Tony, Steve, and Bruce turned their heads to watch the scene unfold.

I crossed my arms to mimic Barton. "Peter's my cousin and I have the right to see him. He said he was taking me in until I can get on my own feet and somewhere safe. It's a free country, you know."

"Yeah, I fought tooth and nail to keep it a free country," Steve intervened on the conversation. His cold blue eyes stared right through me when we locked gazes. "And well, I don't think I'm comfortable with a double agent being here. For all we know, you could double cross us too."

I scoffed and glared at him. "Who would I give my information to? The people that tried to cut me up? Yeah, right. I got all that intel for you guys, and what, are you not grateful for it? Without me, you would be unprepared for this war."

Bruce spoke up after he propped up his elbows on his knees. "Steve has a point. We don't even know what you are. I-"

Peter raised his hand midway into the air to stop him from saying anymore. He knit his eyebrows together and stated, "Does she really need to explain? I've finally gotten her back. I have a family member that I won't put into danger. That's the best thing that has happened to me since..." He trailed off and choked on a breath.

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