Chapter 35

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AN: Dedicated to the lovely @EpicGeek. I love her, she is an awesome person, and incredibly supportive.

"What's the plan, Captain?" Peter asked from the corner of the quinjet. He adjusted his red mask and jumped a few times to get his blood pumping. This was his first time back out in the field, so he was more than ready to get back in the fighting zone.

Steve watched us all get ready for the battle, letting Peter's question sink into his mind. Tony put on his red and gold suit after letting Jarvis fly the jet. Tasha and Clint whispered to one another as they gathered their weapons. Natasha filled her belt with numerous items, while Clint filled two quivers with arrows and put them on his back. Thor played with Mjolnir, throwing it up into the air and catching it a few seconds later. His blank face gave none of his emotions away as he stared off into nothingness. Bruce rubbed his temples and tapped his foot against the floor.

Steve stepped forward to the center of the jet and faced all of us. His red, white, and blue shield hung on to his back. His outfit matched the colors of his shield and a small 'A' adorned each bicep. Rogers began to report, "Clint, Lilly, and Peter will be on the ground down the street from the portal. A lot of the soldiers haven't gotten far, so we need to block them off from the rest of the city. Bruce will go around the city hunting soldiers down and taking care of them. Any civilians are supposed to be protected." All four of us nodded accordingly and waited to hear the rest of the plan. Steve looked at Nat. "Natasha, you're going to stay in the jet and shoot at them. Once Clint runs out of ammo, you two will switch positions. Tony, you're with me. We're going to be positioned close to the portal."

Thor chimed in, but his eyes didn't focus on anything at all, "I'm going to take care of Loki."

We all silently agreed. No one was going to object to that. Even if we did, we'd have one hell of a fight with Thor. I blinked a few times to make sure my contacts were clear and put my hair up into a ponytail. I never understood how Nat could fight with her hair flying everywhere. "Wait, what about Red Skull?" I inquired. He was a big key to all of this too.

Steve eyed me as his hands clenched into fists. He scoffed, "That coward might not even be there. If he is, I'll take care of him myself."

Natasha dropped us off towards the end of the street. This...This sight was madness. Loki used his scepter to kill people, blow up cars, and crash any jets or airplanes in the sky. People screamed and ran to cover, even if they had no chance of survival. Soldiers marched out of the portal in masses and went out to do their job. Blood stained the streets and a strong smell of sulfur hung in the air. Sparks flew off of broken lights and buildings were falling apart.

"Ah, you've finally arrived," Loki created a copy of himself that stood in front of us. He mocked the original Loki's actions and grinned like a madman. "Are you enjoying the show so far?"

"Where's Red Skull?" Steve asked quickly, scouting the area for the villain, but coming up with nothing.

"Somewhere safe to direct his agents. He's still here, just not having as much fun as he could have," Loki asserted and walked to the side. He wore the same armor as last time I saw him, but now, he had a ram-like helmet adorning his head.

Thor sounded tired and full of hurt, "Brother, you need to stop this. There are innocents dying. Haven't you learned before that you can't take over the world?"

Loki scoffed, his words like venom, "I don't give a damn about innocent people dying. I'm here to restore order. And if that starts with the Avengers' deaths, then so be it." The image disappeared, and Steve, Tony, and Thor headed towards the target. Soldiers flanked us on the street.

Hawkeye shot off arrow after arrow as fast as a gun shot bullets. A stone cold expression took over and his light blue eyes dulled. Staying focused was the key to winning. The arrows hit their intended targets dead on, not missing once. That was the awesome thing about Barton. He grinned slyly when he caught me watching him as I took guys down and said, "I never learned how to miss."

A Call to Action (Avengers Fan Fiction #1)  | REWRITINGOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora