Chapter 26

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AN: A lottttt more longer than I expected. Please don't forget to vote or comment. :D

I opened the door after hearing a hard knocking sound. Steve stood leaning against the door frame, grinning slightly. A red cap sat on his head and black framed glasses rested on the bridge of his nose. It all matched his brown leather jacket, white shirt, and blue jeans. A bouquet of flowers sat in his hands. "Hey. Are you ready?"

"What's with the getup?" I referred to his hat and glasses while I raised an eyebrow. I didn't think that he would ever wear things like that out in public. He didn't need the glasses, and the hat just looked tacky on him.

"Cover. Don't want to attract too much attention when we want privacy, right?"

I scrunched up my nose because I didn't think of that. "That's pretty smart. And your glasses actually match mine. I'm going to count that as a plus." I nervously unwrinkled my dark jeans and fixed my purple shirt. What is wrong with me? Get yourself together, Parker. I thought. My hazel eyes glanced at my black leather jacket to make sure it wasn't messed up. Great. Now I'm being self conscious about myself.

"I know..." His ocean eyes locked onto mine and held out the flowers in his hand. A small blush formed in his cheeks. "For you, m'lady."

"M'lady? I know you're old, Rogers, but you're not that old." I took the bouquet from his hands and instantly inhaled the sweet smell. Steve Rogers is being really sweet. Is the world ending yet? I wondered and laughed at my own joke on the inside. "Thank you. They look wonderful." I put the flowers in a vase in the kitchen and set them on the table. Now it would be a great addition to the ambiance.

Steve led me down to the garage where his bike was. He strolled over to it and started it. The bike itself was a new sleek black Harley Davidson with thick padding to sit on. The metal shined in the dim lighting like it was freshly polished. The red lights on the handles flashed and steadied to indicate the engine was on and the brakes were set. His foot kicked down the stand and his blue eyes glanced up at me from behind his glasses. "Coming?"

"With you on that? No way," I quickly replied. Riding with Logan was one thing. I had known him for years and was practically raised trusting him. Steve? That's a different story.

One corner of his lips lifted slyly. "What? Afraid of a little adventure?"

"Adventure is my middle name. But on a motorcycle with you? Yeah. That seems a bit dangerous."

He raised an eyebrow and his smile faltered. "You really don't trust me?"

I scoffed and instantly answered, "Do you trust me?"

Steve stayed silent. He took off his cap and scratched his head. "Well...yeah."

I watched him put his cap back on and set his hands on the handles. That was the only confirmation that I needed. He said he trusted me. This moment was a big push in our relationship. "I trust you, Rogers." I walked over to the bike and sat down behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and watched the trees pass by as we rolled down the street.

The wind swept through my hair and the sun reflected off of my glasses. I closed my eyes and took in the various smells in the city. Trash. Freshly baked desserts. Delicious aromas of dinner platters caught my interest. Smoke from cigarettes hung in the air. I held tighter onto Steve and thought for a moment. I've rode a motorcycle many times. This time...this time I felt a sense of freedom. No pun on Captain America intended. I laughed at myself quietly. I wonder where this is going to lead.

Steve pulled up to a busy coffee shop and parked the bike. "Barton said this was a good place to go to. I hope he's right." I fixed my hair and smiled as he opened the door for me. "Ma'am." He gestured me to walk in front of him.

A Call to Action (Avengers Fan Fiction #1)  | REWRITINGWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt