Chapter 31

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April 5th. The war grew closer by the second, but we tried not to focus on it. We trained as usual, and Peter even got permission to finally join us. His wound finally healed. Well, not completely by itself. Bruce had his friend Dr. Helen Cho put Peter in a synthetic healing machine. It made skin cells and tissue for his wound and fixed it. He had to make sure not to strain it too much, but he could at least join us in training.

Tony made sure Pepper stayed away from Chicago and the Tower, so he sent her on a vacation with a few friends. Thor worried about Jane, but Coulson reassured him she was very far away. Steve practiced a lot more in the gym, while Natasha and Clint sparred one on one. Bruce stayed holed up in the lab trying to calculate where in Chicago Loki would arrive. Tony upgraded his suit and played chess with Jarvis. He didn't capitalize Jarvis' name anymore or care for the acronym because their connection grew on a deeper level. Jarvis was a part of the team like the rest of us, not some soulless robot.

Peter and I trained earlier. Now, we were on a break.

My cousin smashed the buttons on his controller in a panic. "Lilly, shoot at it!"

"I can't, I'm out of ammo!" I yelled back. This game was intense. The level started to fall apart, leaving us only a small arena to work with. The big Boss had four times our health amount and used a shield a lot of the time. He reigned fire upon us with a giant flame thrower and set my character on fire. "Shit...I'm going in for the big hit!" My character ran to the giant and used her power up. It was all going well.

Well, until that part of the ground crumbled underneath her and sent her to the fiery pits of hell.

I shrieked in despair and watched my character burn to a crisp. I threw my controller down in frustration. "That was so stupid!"

Natasha looked up to the screen from her seat. She stretched out on the couch while reading a book. She shook her head and clicked her tongue. "Shoulda gone in and gotten his attention while Peter attacked."

I rolled my eyes and grunted, "How about you try it, Nat?"

She waved it off and put her book down. "I'm good." She headed towards the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. "You guys want anything?"

"Soda," Peter answered.

"Chips," I replied. Both of our eyes stayed glued to the screen. Peter revived me and brought me back into the game. Natasha came back with the wanted items and laid them out on the table. I thanked her and added, "You know, Nat, I look up to you like a mother."

Peter raised his eyebrows in shock when he almost died. He chuckled, "Join the club. Everyone makes fun of us and calls us Mama and Baby Spider." He opened his drink quickly and took a sip before scrambling to get his controller.

Romanoff ruffled Peter's hair and smirked, "It's a lot safer than having children. Taking care of him has become a habit. Well...Peter is just the biggest child ever, so..."

"Hey!" Peter interrupted her and tilted his head to get away from her hand. "You know Tony is in the same boat with me."

"You've got that right," I agreed with a scoff. If those two had a fight for the biggest child title, it would definitely be Tony. He always told us not to touch or take his stuff. When he did, he would always throw a fit.

Tasha grabbed her book and walked passed us. "I'm going to my room."

"Okay," Peter and I simultaneously answered. We were too focused on the game to say something else. Ten minutes later, we finally defeated the boss. Both of us cheered and threw the controllers into the air in celebration.

A Call to Action (Avengers Fan Fiction #1)  | REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now