Chapter 34

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AN: Dedicated to @SuperAvengAbles for the awesome comments and votes. :)

April 13th. We were only a week away from the destruction of Chicago. A week away from the loss of hundreds of lives. A week away from going down in a blaze of glory. We warned the government and they placed an evacuation day for the 19th. It gave enough time to the people to pack and get stuff ready, but mostly put them into a panic. I rethought about killing Loki. Peter was right. If anyone were to do it, it would have to be Thor. There was no other way around it. I sighed in frustration. So much pressure was on our shoulders. If we failed, we wouldn't have just failed ourselves. We failed to save the entire world.

Someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I pushed my black framed glasses up my nose and kept my eyes focused on my laptop screen. I tried to bypass the security firewalls of Hydra's computer systems, but it wouldn't work. I needed more powerful software and techniques to get through. Maybe Natasha can hack it. She can go through any system in under a minute.

"Hey," Steve greeted me and peeked through the door. He leaned against the frame and nervously added, "Tony and I are going to visit Peggy. Do you want to join?"

My head snapped up at her name. I don't think any other team member had visited her before, except for Tony. This was the opportunity of a lifetime. I turned my laptop off and quickly responded, "Yeah. I would love to." I rushed to put some shoes on and walked down to the garage, where both men were waiting.

"So, you decided to tag along?" After I nodded, Tony smiled. His black sunglasses covered his dark, whiskey shaded eyes. "Good. Steve and I were running out of conversations to have on the car drive there." He put his hand on one side of his mouth so Steve wouldn't be able to read his lips and whispered, "The old man usually falls asleep."

I giggled as Steve rolled his eyes. "I can hear you, you know."

"Oh, I didn't know your hearing was that good, especially at your age," Tony joked and got into his convertible.

I hopped into the back, which was by far uncomfortable. It was cramped, but I didn't see a reason to complain. I was getting to see Peggy. That was incentive enough to keep my mouth shut. Steve sat in the passenger seat and listened to the car roar to life. He didn't seem bothered by the jokes anymore and sometimes even laughed at them. He was too easy to pick on, but he always found a way to get us back. The amount of burns that guy has put out into the world almost amounted up to Natasha's. It was all fun and games until somebody went a little too far.

We were quiet for most of the drive. Steve peered out the window and watched the objects go by. Tony remained focused on the road and blasted music through the speakers. I twiddled my thumbs out of impatience. I was meeting the woman who meant everything to Steve.

Only come to find out that she meant everything to Tony at one point.

Tony turned down the music and looked back at me through the rear view mirror. "Steve's told you a bit about Peggy. I don't remember much about her. I don't really remember a lot of my past, but Jarvis told me things throughout the years to remind me. He said I thought the world of her. My father was always working. When my mother needed help, Peggy would come down in her free time to assist her. She tells the best stories about her past. I just wish..." he paused and cleared his throat. "She doesn't remember a lot sometimes. Whenever she sees me, she calls me Howard. The biggest smile rises on her face and she says she missed me. I never have the heart to tell her I'm his son. She just forgets when she goes into a coughing fit anyway."

He glanced down at the time and back at the road. Tony's voice almost cracked, but he kept it at bay. "My father died in a car accident with my mother a long time ago. Jarvis told me Peggy almost went into hysteria when that happened. She was so torn. She lost both Steve and my father. Peggy would come over to my house and play with me when I was growing up. Apparently, I called her Aunt Peggy. Then one day, she stopped coming. Never did know what happened." He shrugged slightly, trying to brush off the emotions. Peggy and his butler Jarvis must have been the closest thing he had to family after his parents passed. "After I found out she founded S.H.I.E.L.D., I put two and two together. She probably buried herself in her work and raised her kids on the side. Didn't have enough time for me, I guess. Not like anyone really did..."

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