Chapter 28

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"I miss you, Jane," Thor spoke into Barton's phone. A smile plastered itself to his face accompanied by some blush. He wandered around the room aimlessly as he spoke to her. He chuckled and glanced out the window overlooking the city. "Jane?" Thor's face scrunched up in confusion. "I can't hear you."

I set my food down and walked over to him, taking the phone away. My eyes searched for the problem as the call ended. I made sure the volume hadn't been turned down or he didn't mute anything. Nothing was wrong. "Hm..." I hummed. The last thing I noticed was he didn't have any service on the phone. "Hey, Clint," I called out.

"What?" Barton questioned as he flipped through the channels on the television. He didn't care to glance over or get up.

I threw his phone towards him and it landed on the couch next to him. "Did you forget to pay the phone bill again? Your phone doesn't have any service."

"That's weird," Clint replied and messed around with the phone.

Steve didn't look up from his book. He sat in the corner of the room next to the window, taking in sunlight. He spoke up, "I paid the bill yesterday for everyone. Clint was too busy yesterday to do it."

"He was sleeping," I pointed out. If that counted as being busy, I was busy most of the time.

"Yeah, I know," Steve replied. He moved in his seat and held his head up with his hand. All of us remained silent for a few moments, curious to know what had happened. Steve furrowed his brow and he put a book mark in the page he was on. His blue eyes glanced up at us and his voice lowered, "You don't think there could be a jammer anywhere, do you? That would mean..."

A loud eruption originated from the windows, glass shattering everywhere. We all took cover and almost panicked. Thor reached his hand out and waited for Mjolnir to fly to him. Barton tucked and rolled over to the small floor cabinet and retrieved a bow and a quiver of arrows. Steve ran to get his shield from his room. I quickly looked up from my position and saw a few Hydra agents infiltrating the room.

I threw fire at them and moved out of Mjolnir's path. Some agents lit on fire and screamed out, flinging their arms around to try to get their armor off. Thor's hammer flew down the hall and into his hand. Thor smacked a few guys in the chest and swung Mjolnir around. Some of the agents flew out of the window and others into the wall. Thor flew out of the window to find out where the agents were coming from.

Barton shot arrows off like no tomorrow. He hit his targets dead on in the chest, arm, head, anywhere he could do some damage. Agents dressed in black armor piled in one after the other, filling the room like a school of fish.

I flung my hand upwards, controlling the agents' guns and throwing them to the ceiling. They all stared at the weapons in wonder before turning their attention back to us. I threw the guns into the corner and attacked. My hands frosted over and froze some of the agents' heads and limbs. They retaliated with a knife and cut me up a bit, but I kicked one of them out of the window and knocked some down.

Steve's shield came out of nowhere and hit the frozen agents. Their limbs shattered into pieces, causing them to either scream from shock or die. The shield bounced off of several walls and back into Steve's hand. He hit some agents in the knees and others in the back. They fell and Steve made sure they were unconscious.

Barton reached for another arrow, but came up with nothing. He unlatched the switch on the bow and it broke into two pieces. He took a piece in both hands and pushed a button. He electrocuted the agents he hit and sent them down to the ground.

Stun baton. Nice edition, Hawkeye.

Steve used hand-to-hand combat after throwing his shield again. I used my powers to put more force into the shield's momentum and made it hit more guys. "Where's everyone else?" I questioned.

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