Chapter Fifteen

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No one showed up after the three of us arrived. Shortly after we had finished our information sheets for Kirumi, someone entered the room. Based on how old they looked, I could only assume they were our teacher for the year.

They looked really bored... Not what I was expecting.

"Hello everyone. I'm going to be your teacher or whatever... You don't have to attend so I don't see why you're here... Do what you like..."

His voice was sluggish, and he just sort of collapsed into the teacher's seat. He was quickly asleep.

For some reason I actually expected more.

I mean, I guess I can talk to Rantaro more-


Knowing I had to take control of the situation, I let out a giant, clearly exaggerated yawn.

"(Name)-chan! If we're just sitting here with nothing to do I want to leave! Come on, we need to go set up our traps!"

(Name) and I had been discussing our first prank that would affect the entire school and everyone inside. But now it was just the execution of such plans-


"Why don't you go with him, (Name)?"

While (Name) didn't think much of my suggestion, I could tell Kokichi was shocked. I mean, why would I decide of my own free will to leave my (Name)?

If I'm going to eliminate Rantaro, I need to learn more about him without (Name) around...

Without exchanging words, Kokichi was somehow able to understand my intentions. Or perhaps he simply liked the idea of being alone with (Name).

I'll admit I don't like how the plan must be executed, but there really isn't any choice in the matter.


"Alright... Let's go Kokichi!"

Whenever (Name) would be hyped for a prank or joke she'd pull, their eyes would sparkle... Her beauty simply multiplied by the millions, perhaps even billions.

She's simply radiant.

Smiling widely, I grabbed her hand, dragging her out of the classroom. Although it can't really be considered dragging since we were both moving quickly.

Time to execute the prank.


Although I knew Rantaro was the ultimate adventurer, I needed to have more personal information on him if I wanted to be able to create any plans to take care of him.

"So Rantaro, I used the school's website to see that you were the ultimate adventurer. If you don't mind me asking, what has inspired you to go on such adventures?"

Rantaro didn't seem too shocked by me asking such a question, but his expression did seem somewhat... guilty?

"I don't really go on adventures for the fun of it, unfortunately. I'm searching for my missing sisters... I've somehow lost all of them early in my childhood, so I'm determined to find them."

So that's it... Interesting.

"I don't really plan to stay here on campus for much longer actually. I'm probably going to leave to continue my search in a couple days. At that point I'll probably be gone for a couple months; that's how long my searches are at a time."


This may be easier than I thought.

"The dedication you have to find your siblings is truly incredible. But wouldn't it make sense to leave as soon as possible? I don't mean to judge or anything..."

Rantaro chuckled softly, using a hand to rub the back of his neck.

"You got me. I was just wanting to meet all the students in our classroom, but it looks like not many intend to come to class so I might as well leave this evening. I should get my flight ready..."

Kirumi, who had been evaluating the responses from our questionnaires, decided to finally enter the conversation.

"Would you like any assistance in your preparations?"

Rantaro debated on this offer for a bit, before smiling softly.

"Sure, why not."

Rantaro stood up, turning to me as he was heading towards the door to the classroom.

"Thanks for getting my priorities straight. See you in a couple months."

With that, he and Kirumi exited the classroom, leaving just Keebo and myself in the classroom.

Now that he's taken care of, I have no reason to remain here with Keebo.

As I was standing up however, I noticed a strange sound coming from the ceiling. Before long soap began to fall down from the sprinklers, being followed by water soon after.

"Hope you all enjoy your free shower!"

I could hear Kokichi snickering as (Name)'s voice echoed throughout the speakers.

So this was their prank... Even though most people would be irritated by this, I simply felt honored to be a victim of (Name)'s pranks.

I saw Keebo beginning to freak out, headed out of the classroom. He is a robot so I suppose that's an understandable reaction. Still, he should feel honored to be on the receiving end of (Name)'s prank.

Speaking of (Name), I need to go see her. Although I probably should go get changed first...

My Insane Love Story (Yandere!Shuichi X Reader X Yandere!Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now