Chapter Ten

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My eyes opened when I heard a knock on my room door.

"Coming..." I tiredly responded, as I tried to get out of bed.

.... But something stopped me...

I looked down to see Kokichi, latched onto my stomach with his head nested into my back, due to him being a bit shorter than me.

"Don't go... Please..." Kokichi begged in a tired morning voice.

... An attractive morning voice...

"B-but Kokichi... I need to answer the door." I responded.

Kokichi sighed, before retreating his hands from my stomach.

"Come back to me... Okay...?" Kokichi pleaded.

I smiled.

"Sure thing."

I then gave Kokichi a pat on the head, before heading up to the door.

When I opened it, I was surprised to see that it was Shuichi.

"Morning (y/n)." Shuichi greeted.

"Good morning Shuichi. What're you doing here at... Eight in the morning?" I questioned.

"Well... I wanted to make sure you actually get breakfast today..." Shuichi explained.

"Oh, I get it now. You were going to help me get there. Thanks. I appreciate the help. Just let me get dressed, and ready. I'll be out in a minute." I said.


I then closed the door, and turned to Kokichi, who was sitting up..

"Was that Shuichi?" Kokichi questioned.

I nodded.

"He's going to take us to breakfast, so I need to get dressed for today." I explained.

"Oh... Okay..." Kokichi's voice trailed off.

I then realized something...

... Kokichi was still in my room...

"Kokichi, would you mind waiting outside with Shuichi while I get dressed?" I questioned.

Kokichi looked shocked.

"You mean... I can't stay in here? I thought we were friends!"

"Not with perverts. Come on, just go. I want to get to breakfast on time."

Kokichi sighed.

"Fine." Kokichi mumbled under his breath, before shuffling out of my bed, and trudging to the door as if it was to his execution.

Once he was gone, I began to get ready for the day.

I didn't do too much since Shuichi and Kokichi were waiting for me, but I did try to look decent.

After I had finished doing so, I exited my room, where Shuichi and Kokichi were waiting for me.

... Though I could sense tension between the two...

"Did something happen?" I questioned with worry in my voice.

"No. Nothing happened. Shall we go?" Shuichi stated, trying to sound confident in his answer.

... But even I could tell that he was lying...

But, since I didn't want to cause a fight or anything like that, I decided to improve the negative aura in the air.


Kokichi, Shuichi, and I then headed to the dining hall... Although the negative aura followed us...

... Which I didn't like......

... What exactly happened while I was getting ready for the day...?


I can't believe this... Kokichi found a way to get closer to (y/n)... He had a movie night with her... And he slept with her! Although I don't think he did anything like that.... The fact that they slept together angers me to a degree unknown to any other...

But despite this... There is one thing I learned thanks to Kokichi...

Kaede is clearly after (y/n), and must be eliminated immediately...

... No matter what it takes...


I can't believe that Shuichi decided to ruin my time with (y/n)... That little... No matter what, I need to find ways to spend more time with (y/n)...

... My Queen...

... Mine...

I'm so sorry for taking so long to update. I know I'm awful, and the fact that I'm unmotivated/depressed isn't a good excuse, so all I can do is apologize. Hopefully you can forgive me... Maybe... I'll try to update sooner from now on, so yeah... Later! =^-^=

My Insane Love Story (Yandere!Shuichi X Reader X Yandere!Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now