Chapter Three

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On the way to the restaurant, and while at the restaurant, we talked about the past five years, and about random things that changed for us and such.

... Though I will admit that once the food came, I was a bit less talkative...

"(y/n), you don't have to eat your food so fast. It's not going to walk away, and you may choke if you eat that fast." Shuichi said in worry.

It was then that I realized that I had less than half of my plate left, while Shuichi had barely touched his.

... And my meal was about twice as large as his....

"Yeah, guess you're right. But Shuichi, you should learn how to eat at a pace fast than a snail. Like seriously, are you nervous to eat?"

"Well... I... Um..."

I laughed.

"Relax. I'm just teasing. Eat at whatever pace you'd like. I won't judge." I said.

"Oh... Right..."

Sounds like Shuichi hasn't changed at all; always the uptight and serious one...

... Guess you have to be to be a detective...

"So, Shuichi, I must ask something, for I am ever the curious one."

"Sure, ask away."

"... Do you have a girlfriend?"

Shuichi nearly choked on his food.


I chuckled at his flustered response.

"I was just curious. I mean, someone as intelligent and sweet as you... I figured that you'd already be taken." I explained.

"Well..." Shuichi started, while hiding a blush, "I do have someone I like. I've liked them for a long time..."

I instantly became very curious.

"Ooh! Tell me the details! I want to know everything!"

Shuichi shook his head.

"Nope. Sorry. You'll have to figure that out on your own." Shuichi stated.

I pouted.

"Aw. But I'm not an ultimate detective like yourself. How will I figure it out?" I questioned.

"Guess you better put your thinking cap on, because I'm not giving any hints away."

I smiled at this challenge.

"Game. On!"

Shuichi laughed at my encouragement.

"Always the enthusiastic one, I see."

I smiled.

"You know it!"

We then continued to eat our food, having random conversations on random things.

Afterwards, Shuichi offered to walk me back to my dorm room, which I accepted, since I'm terrible with directions.

"Thanks for walking me back." I thanked, as we approached my dorm room door.

"Anytime. Do you mind help with anything else?" Shuichi offered.

"Nope. My first paid meal for the school starts tonight, so you don't have to worry." I answered.

"Oh. Okay. Well, I guess I'll see you later."

Just as Shuichi was about to leave, I stopped him.

"Wait. Mind if I have your phone number? That way we can keep in contact." I questioned.

Shuichi smiled.

"Sure. I don't mind."

We then exchanged phone numbers.

"Well, I must be going now. See you later!" Shuichi said, before leaving.

I then entered my dorm room, before plopping down on my bed.

It sure was nice to see Shuichi again. And now that I know that he's here... I wonder...

... Will Kokichi be here too?

Well, I guess that that's a question that can be answered later. For now, it's time for a nap.

After all, big meals make me tired... In addition to the long plane ride... Getting some nap action in might not be such a bad idea.


As I was heading back to my room, a million thoughts were crossing my mind.

... She's back... She's really back... (y/n)'s back...

I was jittering as I looked at my phone, which had (y/n)'s phone number saved into it.

And now, thanks to new technology, we can keep in contact in ways we could never before.

... We'll be even closer than before...

I'll make sure to have this number memorized as soon as possible, so if something happens, I'll still be able to contact her.

But still... Something worries me... If I remember the class list correctly, Kokichi will also be coming here this school year, in the same class as (y/n) and I.

... This concerns me because I know that he loves (y/n) too...

Well, I guess that if he tries to get too close to (y/n)...

... I'll can always kill him...

... I've been waiting five years to see (y/n), and now that i can see her again...

... I'll never let her go...

I have nothing to say, so later! =^-^=

My Insane Love Story (Yandere!Shuichi X Reader X Yandere!Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now