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Scars to your beautiful- Alessia Cara

Every day of my twenty year old life, one would think that since I was born into wealth, my life would be all comfort, glam and a perfect body because all the spa treatment or I can afford a personal trainer or dietitian, but truth be told I was born plump and after the instance of bullying when I was in junior high, I decided to lock myself away in the comfort of my house and asked my dad to let me get home schooled. It is common that when am not working with my tutors I'm in my room reading my romance novels. It has always fascinated and enchanted me, how the characters exhibit such love, courage, passion and zeal to fight for the one they love.

As am seated on my bed, my mom enters and from the look of her face I can tell she's the bearer of some very important and life changing news. "Hi honey, I hope we can talk but if your busy I can come back later, " she said. I was debating whether I want to hear the news because I suddenly got a very weird feeling about this 'talk' we are supposed to have, but I decided it's better to know than remain in suspense something that has never been my specialty since I'm a very curios and impatient person.

"Since college your dad and I have been very close with the Rossi's, since Walker was a very good friend of ours. Our friendship goes far back and we would like to continue strengthening those ties and that's why...... ," she fell silent and I could see she was contemplating on how to break the piece of news to me. As I'm about to tell her to spit it out she finally drops the grenade, "We were hoping you would get married to their son, Alexander King Rossi.

Honestly, whenever I read novels regarding arranged marriages it never came to my mind that I would be a victim of one. I was so affected by news to the point where, the panic attacks that I thought I put behind me after counselling sessions regarding the bullying issues decided it was occasion worthy to resurface. The family doctor was summoned and after checking on me and giving me an injection to calm my nerves, he left right after I fell asleep.

It has been a week since we discussed the issue about my marriage. I still felt conflicted on whether I should agree or not even after I found out the real reason of my supposed marriage. Apparently my dad has a few months to live and his last wish is to see me married to a good man from a very upright and reputable family who understands and loves me unconditionally and who better to fit that shoe than the Rossi's.

Don't get me wrong it's not that my soon to be husband is ugly or a freak, he's actually the world's most eligible bachelor, handsome, sexy, biggest player, arrogant and every girl would kill to be in my spot but I really don't like players or arrogant people, I also doubt he would want some plump and average girl to be his wife. I have seen him in the tabloids and he's always seen with famous, sexy, beautiful arm candies from musicians, models to heiresses of influential families.

I had he already hates and detests me being his wife because am a nerd, plump, average and to add on that he's being forced to marry me and leave his player ways. He considers this union as a joke and a means of his parents punishment to him because of the countless scandals he has been involved with which caused his dad a lot with the bad press affecting his reputation. I also heard that upon receiving the news that he was to get married, he became very angry but after finding out it was me he was going to bound to for eternity and seeing my pic, he was raging mad and got so drunk he was unconscious two consecutive days.

I was wondering if I was so unattractive that he would be so disgusted and disappointed that I was chosen to be his bride. I hated myself even more for having a tiny flicker of hope that he would be happy to be with me and he would actually look past my physical appearance and learn to fall in love with me, care and appreciate me and try to build a future with me as his confidant but I guess that kind of affection just wasn't meant for me.

However, whether we both liked it or not the engagement and wedding dates have been fixed for next week and a press conference has been held to inform the world on the alliance of the two families. I can just imagine his reaction and that of the world but all I can hope for is that he doesn't break me more than I have been scarred and he respects me in this sacred union of marriage since it's not a joke and it's a sign of respect and honoring our parents wishes. In a week I change from being Ms. Mendoza to Mrs. Kimberly Alexander Rossi.

I have been spending my days staring outside my window wondering what my life will turn to once am a married woman to a man who doesn't want me, but all I can think about is how the first man to ever love me unconditionally despite the way I look like, is going to succumb to colon cancer in just a few months and he will leave me and mom heartbroken and lost. I will surely miss his dad jokes which would lighten up my mood whenever I felt sad and depressed or the way he usually sits with me in the library and listen to my narrations on whatever novel I was reading. He would also give me advice and help me to understand things that confused me whenever I read something.

Dad is my pillar of support, the first man I loved and will continue to love and he and mom are the most important people in my life aside from my brother who is currently heading our business in Sydney, Australia but he comes to visit as often as he can. It will be such a huge blow to our family but the one thing am intent to do, it's to make sure I do everything in my power to ensure my dad is happy in his last days and try to be strong enough mentally and emotionally, so that he isn't worried about me and he can take care of himself.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hi readers this is the first chapter to the first book I've ever written and am inda nervous and at the same time excited to do this. I just hope you will give my book a chance and read it and let me know what you think.

Click on the vote button and comment on this first chapter because the next chapter rides on your reaction towards this chapter. For Kimberly's photo you can imagine any person you like or feel is a perfect fit for how she's been described but Alexander's photo has been posted at the beginning of the chapter.

Bye guys and thanks for the support love you all.

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