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To celebrate the signing of the merger, we decided to ditch the whole rich people in fancy looks party and just do something that actually celebrates the workers that actually helped with the merger. So here we were in Club Jaguar where Alexander's assistant booked for our employees' congratulations party and I guess it wasn't the right decision to hold it here because from how he's been looking at me and behaving, I can't help but think that whatever he saw in my Insta story made him mad but should we talk about it? At the same time, I can't initiate the conversation because am no longer Kimberly and he may end up putting everything together and even though I said I will be telling him soon, I think am not yet ready. This situation was so messed up and it still is because as Kimberly am mad that he fell for (me) so quickly but as Miss Black am happy that he has feelings for me and I know it's kind of ridiculous that am jealous of myself but I just can't help it.

"You know staring at him won't solve the puzzle and battle you're raging inside your head right now," Xavier disrupts my thoughts and I look at him but all I can see is that he knows exactly what am inflicting on myself. I know this has not been easy for Xav because I know he feels for me something I can't reciprocate and I guess in this moment we are the same but he does try really hard to help me out with whatever issues am facing because to him he values our friendship more that the desire and passion he feels towards me. "Xav, I know these situations aren't always that easy for you and I really am grateful for you being there for me because I can't imagine where I would be if it weren't for you and am so glad to have you in my life, so thanks for being there," he just grabbed my hand and squeezed it giving me the assurance that he knows and he's okay and coping.

He orders us shots and after we down them he grabs my hand and takes us to the dance floor to have a good time.

Throughout the night everything was so fun and the energy was just so positive and I even forgot about my retributions from earlier and all of us were just having fun

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Throughout the night everything was so fun and the energy was just so positive and I even forgot about my retributions from earlier and all of us were just having fun. At around 2pm, I was so drunk to a point that my reality and the make pretend started being mixed and I found myself with Alex in a secluded part of the club and there were definetely flirting and we were both making moves towards each other.

We hadn't interacted much tonight and I don't even know how we found ourselves in this position but what I do know is that right now being so drunk and in front of him was a bad idea because I may do something stupid and end up ruining everything. He looks just how I remember him being and the aura and energy surrounding us right now is a nostalgia taking me back to the days after he confessed that he felt something for me. Here right now I realize I've missed him so much and he looks so damn good and I can't help wishing I could touch him and he could touch me the way he used to. I can feel even for a minute the rush, high and bliss it was being in his arms.

The relativism of having the moment just belonging to us as all the issues we have fade away. These beautiful eyes of his sucking me in into an abyss of just us both seeing each other without the burden of the world on our shoulders, but that wasn't going to happen because now am someone else and he's no longer mine. I could feel the emotions about to hit me and I knew I had to get out of here and so I did I turned to rush my drunken self out of his presence but it seems he had other plans.

Xander grabbed my hand and when I turned to him almost giving myself whiplash, he didn't give me a chance to mutter anything to him because he elevated me by the power of his plump and delicious lips. I felt like that plump girl years ago the first time, I felt them on mine. It was exhilarating, familiar and the best thing I could remember having the pleasure of feeling. I responded immediately and fought for dominance but I couldn't match up to him and I let him take the lead. For the first time, I let it all go and just stayed in the moment. Even if wasn't meant to be once we unlatched from each other but I took this blessing for my own and for once, I let myself be selfish because I needed this.

He is still intoxicating and consuming and I fell in love with it all over again. Come to think of it, I never stopped loving him, it only grew the more stayed away from him. This realization only made me pull him to me even harder and I just wanted to be in this moment forever but I just couldn't let this go on because for him, he's kissing Miss Black and it was wrong to lead him on like this so I forced myself away and left.


I won't lie, ever since we set foot in this club tonight all I can do is relieve what I saw in her Insta story a couple days ago. It's killing me even looking at her right now knowing I can't even confront her because it's not my place as am nothing to her. Having her this close but so far away is giving me dejavu from the time Kimberly decided to leave only for it to be the last time, I would ever see her alive. It scares me to start something with Miss Black only for it to end the same way Kimberly and I did. I know I need to get back out there but I can't help to think am not destined for this love thing. For now, I choose to drown my sorrows in alcohol and try enjoy this ragger we threw for the employees.

I joined everybody on the dance floor but I can't help looking at her as she dances with Xavier. I guess he always gets whatever good thing, I don't appreciate enough or in this case something am too scared to go after. It gets really ironic that no matter who I am with in life, Xavier is there. Sometimes, I can't help but think that it's not a coincidence that the woman am interested in right now is friends with Xavier, I like to make myself believe this is Kimberly's weird and supernatural way of telling me she wants me to move on and that she's forgiven me.

I know I sound crazy but what other explanation is there? Anyway, the more I think about this the more I down my drinks and end up getting hammered and finally the one wish I've had the whole day finally comes true. She's here in front of me, looking so angelic and gracious and those beautiful eyes of her watching me curiously like am a discovery or alien but they also hold so much sadness and at the same time happiness. I look over her face and that cute nose and pretty pink lips just so inviting and I can't help finding myself drawn to them like a moth get dawn to light. The slender neck that leads to her inviting shoulders and the plunge of her luscious breasts, it's just a sight that is fucking with me all over again this night. Back to those big doe eyes that capture my attention and make me wanna do so much for her.

Suddenly she seems to have come to some sort of realization and when she turns to bolt, I decide I've had enough being in the outside looking in and I pull her to me and connect our lips and it's the most amazing thing ever. I lose all my control and press my lips harder on hers and it's like I just discovered the one thing that would quench my thirst. The moment is just right and I just can't get enough of it. She seems to feel the same because she lets me have the reigns and I sure do take the lead. She's just exactly how I thought she would feel and I just wanted to savor the feeling as long as she would let me.

This kiss was not a one-night stand type of thing, it was something I needed to do because I craved her in more ways than just sex. She was made for me and she just felt so right. Even her frame fit perfectly on mine and I loved it but just as amazing at it is and I was thinking of stopping it and confessing to her, she pulled away suddenly and wobbled away in a hurry leaving me in a daze from the mind blowing making out and also confusion.

Did I read the signs wrong? Does this mean she doesn't want anything to do with me? Or was she afraid of what she felt the minute our lips touched?

It was all so confusing but I knew one thing, I had to go after he because I can't afford to lose her as a woman I really like and also because we just began a partnership and I didn't want it to be awkward between us affecting our performance. Even drunk I still moved at such amazing speed that I amazed myself but no matter how fast I wobbled, she had already left.

The valet brought the car around and once I got in my driver sped away with my security in tow. I couldn't wait to reach home because I couldn't go on like this anymore. I know she feels something because with a kiss you can't really hide and those eyes, they just held so much emotion that I can't deny what we are both feeling. I just don't care if am drunk right now because drunk words sober thoughts, am I right? The long wait was finally over and here I am heading across my lawn to see the woman who I have fell for and hopefully by the end of our conversation she would agree to be mine

This is kinda like a filler chapter along with the next one so that we just don't ju8mp into Kimberly's or should i say Bella's reveal so enjoy.

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