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Keeping a secret is no joke. I have been carrying information that would help a lot of people feel better but I've been keeping it since it was never my place to tell. The day Kimberly left LA; I saw her with Xavier but they never knew of that particular detail. I had decided to swing by Xavier's place to ask for his blessing to officially propose to Nicole but on my way there, Nicole called me and I had to pull over to talk to her. There is only one road leading in and pout the neighborhood and that's when I saw Kimberly's car. She looked pale as a corpse. She seemed like she had witnessed the end of the world and she was scared, hurt, distressed and dare I say dead of emotion. I quickly wrapped up the call with Nicky and was about to head to Xavier's when shortly after, I saw his car and he was with her speeding away so I followed them hoping to learn the chaos brewing and maybe I could help.

They stopped at a bridge and she discarded of her phone and they proceeded to the airport. Further to that I couldn't follow them but I did find out they were flying to Greece. At first, I thought Kimberly had decided to leave my cousin and elope with Xavier but the news on the evening left with more questions than answers. The news said she was dead and Nicole was so devastated. The whole Rossi- Mendoza clan was devastated and pretty broken up about her death. I didn't know how to proceed and so I withheld the information I had till I can make sense if what was actually going on. The very next day, I decided to pay my dear cousin a visit but he was in no condition to help me make sense of anything and so I went to the next best thing; Aunt Ruby. She explained to me what transpired between the two and now suddenly everything became clear but the part where nothing made sense is why Kimberly left and am sure she's seen the news of her death, why wasn't she correcting any of the false news?

Nicole was pretty much hurting about the issue and I just couldn't tell her this secret which might do more harm than good because I don't have any evidence and two, I don't have any of my facts straight. When she decided she would be flying home to see her brother since he may be then one suffering most because he loved Kimberly, I thought she would find Kimberly there and I wouldn't have to be stuck lying but u expectedly she didn't find out anything so many years down the line am still harboring as secret from my wife that could possibly put us at odds. I never dared to tell Xavier what I knew. Its wasn't my place to get involved and I was sure they both had their own reason to hide the truth from everyone.

The day has finally for the truth to be unraveled and as am looking at my wife and the reaction she has when Miss Bella talks about Kimberly am scared that I'll lose her if I absolutely confess the knew the truth the whole time. Am in between a rock and hard a place since if she doesn't hear it from me that I knew the truth the whole time she would never forgive and it would ruin our marriage and if I do tell her I will still lose her. I seriously don't know what to do and now as we are driving home, I can't help but be quiet since comforting her right now knowing I'm hiding something form her doesn't really make my situation any better.

All I know is that no matter the situation am coming out a loser and I know its my fault.



We can credit this mania driving to me trying to reach Marvel and Nicky and explain everything. I got on their tail not long after they left my place and its running for their lives so I will be seeing them ahead of me in... one, two and there they are. All I have to do is to cut them off since the road leading to my grandparent's house doesn't really have that much traffic so this stunt won't be so dangerous and here goes nothing. Over-speeding to go past them then I turned the wheel with so much force that the car turned and faced their vehicle and put the car in park but still running. When Marvel so what had happened, he dropped his speed and slowly stopped the car.

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