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The day could not end any quicker. I had thrown the ball on Bella's court I just hope I didn't take too long to return the blow. I'm going to be picking up Kayla from school, get her home to freshen up then she would come to my house and we would be leaving together for her grandparent's house for dinner just like all the times. It has been a rotation between my house, my parents or in-laws house and it was open invite to even Harry, Kyle and Mariano's families. Today won't be any different except that fact that she could finally join us, which is something am hoping she's open to doing.

I grabbed my phone to call aunt Grace.

"Hey mom, I just sent some flowers to your house, they are Kimberly's favorite. I invited her over but am not sure if she'll show but the flowers are for her just in case, she accepts the invite."

"That's so sweet son. I sure hope she joins us finally the family can be together. I'll put them around the house for her for sure but are the three musketeers joining us today?"

"Kyle and Mariano confirmed but Harry is visiting his in-laws but he said next time they will be there" "He's going to be so mad he missed the dinner if Kimberly does join us"

"Yeah, but hopefully, there will be plenty of dinners in the future where he can dine with Kimberly present. I have to go back to work but I'll be bringing Kayla with me at around 7, see you then mom"

"Alright see you later" then I hung up.

After a few hours of work, I decided to leave the office and go fetch my daughter from school.

"Daddy!!" "Princess!!" she calls out to me and takes off running into my awaiting arms.

"How was school today?" "It was awesome. I scored an A+ on my essay about our family and my friend just here and he will be attending school with me. Am just so happy although he tends to be overprotective of me. Mommy thinks he likes me but am not so sure."

What? Who exactly is this kid and why is Kimberly so nonchalant about this ki liking our daughter?

"That's nice baby girl but we have to head home so that you can do your homework and freshen up before going to dinner."

I placed her down and opened the back door for her and after putting her seat belt on, we were on our way. I don't know who this child is that might like my seven-year-old daughter and her mother is totally okay with it but I will find out and have to talk with her mom about this. I don't like it at all.

"Daddy can I tell you a secret? But you have to promise not tell mommy, okay?" "Of course, what's happened?"

"Yesterday while mommy was tucking me in, I was so excited telling her about our adventures, the dinners with the family and my room at your house. I told her everything but silly me didn't notice that mommy was upset about our family hanging out without including her but when I asked her, she said as long as I'm happy she's happy."

She continues, "Daddy, I think m0ommy is sad and lonely whenever we leave her alone to go on adventures or spend time together with the family. I think she also misses her mommy and daddy and you but she's too stubborn sometimes to say it because she doesn't want me to worry. I was just wondering if we could invite her more often to hang out with us even if she doesn't want to. We have to make sure mommy stops being sad even if you two don't want to be together anymore."

Dear lord, this child of mine does know how to connive as well use her power over her mom to get what she wants. She has her heart in the right place an she might not know it but she gave me the opportunity to use her as an excuse to invite Kimberly to places, spend time together and I might be able to finally get my wife back.

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