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It has been three months since started the whole dating thing and things have been fantastic. We have hit a few curve balls here and there especially when it comes to Kayla and our schedules but we're taking it day by day. We spoke to Kayla about us the next morning after Xander first slept over when she literally almost walked in on us fucking but thanks to Xander's super hearing and Adrian's insistence to always be behind every step of Kayla we dodged that bullet. A series of sleepovers, family weekends away from the city, picnics and lots of family dinners which Harry and his wife have been attending has given me a sense of familiarity and I've been slowly resonating with my past. Optimally our lives have been very good but there are still some parts I haven't confronted yet.

My relationship with my parents has seemingly improved and with my in-laws too. My brother has come over a couple of times to visit and sometimes his wife and kids; Lucy and Lana have tagged along and am so glad to once again have the opportunity of spending time with them. Kayla has been such a good cousin and she's been excited and happy about this family she has gotten the chance of knowing. Xander has been throwing around the idea of us moving together again but I still want to wait and take it easy. I don't want to put a strain on the rhythm we have established. Business is doing good although the mystery rounding my identity is still looming. The media, paparazzi and gossip sites have been on a tail spin trying to dig up the truth but they still haven't gotten anything concrete but soon enough we will release those details but only on my terms.

On a Wednesday, I had decided to surprise Xander at his company and head to lunch together but from the minute I set foot inside the looks I was receiving weren't the usual once and it didn't take a genius to know something was amiss. I greeted the receptionists with a polite smile and proceeded towards Xander's private elevator. Once again upon alighting on his floor, his assistant looked at me with shock, worry and apprehension and I definetely was starting to get queasy. Was the scene I walked into seven years back waiting for me again in his office or what the hell was making everybody so anxious about my arrival? That's when I heard the voice of Xander; cold and menacing. Who the hell was in that office? I had to find out, maybe I could help rescue them from his wrath.

His assistant didn't even stop me on my way maybe because she didn't want to interfere with whatever I was walking into willingly. Upon opening his door, the seated back profile of a woman was what I saw first. Her black hair was in a ponytail showcasing her long neck and she was wearing Channel earrings and what I assumed to be a red dress and some black stilettos and her bag was on the seat next to her.

"Bella, I didn't know we had plans today," I trailed my gaze to Xander who was now standing looking at me with caution and I decided to move towards him and discover who this guest was and why everyone was on edge about her, "Hey, no we didn't have any plans but I wanted to surprise you and go out for lunch if you're not busy," by now I had walked towards him and rounded his desk greeting him with a peck and a hug before I turned to look at his guest and well guess that's one way of confronting the elephant in the room.

"Hello Natasha, fancy seeing you here. How have you been?" "Well can't complain, Alex has been quite a sweet heart and we were just about to head out for lunch maybe you can join us, Miss Black? I have been dying to meet you."

Well talk about being a bitch. She has obviously seen, heard and even read about our relationship but she still wants to behave like she doesn't know who I am exactly. Natasha was a thorn on my side ever since I married Xander but now I can fight back and she has no idea how much damage I can inflict. While I was away, I got information that she had fallen pregnant but unfortunately, she lost the baby but Xander still grieves the child because even though he was arrogant and selfish back then he would never be heartless especially when a child was involved. Through the money and instructions, I had left behind she had even to live a comfortable life but she knew how to work Xander's guilt and grief and kept leeching on him all these years.

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