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My life has been a series of bad decisions, second guessing myself and hurting people who loved me the most but the last couple of months have shown me a whole other picture, I was not used to considering when acting. The other day I was with my parents and out of all the things we discussed what stuck with me was what mom said. "You're no longer thinking about you or what Kimberly want out of your relationship but also the fact that you're now parents and my granddaughter requires some normalcy wanted that means but if you two don't want to be together, I suggest you start working on a plan because I'll be damned to let your biases ruin a second chance at happiness for everyone. I love you son but that precious little girl takes precedence over your feelings for her mom or whatever you think should happen. Do the right thing," mom did have a point and that's exactly the conversation we're going to be having with Kimberly.

I have invited her for brunch this fine Sunday, just the two of us with the cover of spending more time together and she suggested the vineyard and that's where am currently are. The staff had already prepared a table for us by the terrace overlooking the vine farm and adorned the table with different breakfast options. She had something to do in town so she suggested she would be meeting me here. I'm seated on my chair with a cup of plain black coffee in front of me enjoying the view provided by this wonderful property and I have to admit this was a wise purchase on her part. I'm dressed in black jeans and a tight black t-shirt, a blue LA dodgers cap and black shades perched on the bridge of my nose covering my eyes.

The sun is shining illuminating the farm and making the landscape look captivation and the gentle breeze caresses my skin offering soothing kisses from where the sun rays fall on my skin although am on a shaded terrace. From where am sitting and the position of the sun, the hot rays hit me but not enough to burn. I never saw a life where I would be doing this kind of thing especially when waiting for the mother of my kids to figure out our future plans because that's how selfish and short sighted I was. I always had everything within arms reach and whenever I needed it so I took it for granted. Maybe Kimberly leaving and faking her death wasn't the best way to go about it but I understand her line of thought at the time and she choose what was best for her but it was what I needed to learn to appreciate whatever I had and the bonds I've formed.

Once I got out of the depression slump, I had began spending more time with my family and friends even though at the time Kimberly's dad and brother weren't exactly my fans, her brother still isn't but I worked hard to try repair what I had shuttered and it seems I did something good in my life to be granted with a second chance with her and she came back with the most precious gift we could have created together. Every time I pick up my daughter and listening to her bubble about her day and what she did, what she plans to do and what her dreams, expectations or troubles she may be facing, my heart just bursts and overflows with pride and joy. It's true that you're never ready to parent but with my daughter it may have its ups and downs but it seems like a tune I'm learning to sing to.

We have ben doing the sleepovers, weekends together either with her mom or just me and her, shopping trips, playdates everything a daughter and her dad could do to spend time together and its been a blast. I now find myself working harder to be able to get home early and see her when I can't pick her and even going as far as dropping everything no matter how important for her. She's the only urgent thing in my life and maybe after this Kimberly will be too. "Don't think too hard, you might just turn your hair grey stressing old man," Kimberly's voice jostles me out of my line of scattered thoughts. I turn to her and there she is standing by the sliding doors smiling at me so sweetly and I immediately stand and walk to her but she moves to me and immediately engulfs me in a hug giving me a kiss on the cheek but I wasn't having it so I grabbed her by her waist and smashed my lips to her and kissed her so softly and sweetly, making sure to bite her lower lip and pulling away to leave her wanting more.

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