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I am currently five days in into my trip to Seattle to close a deal with another enterprise when Xavier decided to invite me out to a coffee to apparently discuss 'something important'. He seems very antsy and like he's about to puke since he's so nervous and its getting me worried.

" Xav I swear if you don't tell me what's got you like this am going to punch you in the gut. Just be out with it and done, I can't handle this much anxiety," I spat and he seemed to wanna say it but then he was hesitant.

I was so worried at this point. Was my girl in danger or did something happen to her dad? Was Xavier in some sought of trouble or was something wrong with one of my businesses? It was so exhausting sitting here waiting for him to say it.

"Kiki you have to promise me you won't be mad. I swear it wasn't my intention and I had no say in the matter," now this just getting annoying.

"Okay I promise but if you don't spit it out I can't uphold my words."

He moved closer," The board has decided that they want to partner up with Xander's company on the new project since they were convinced it would be good for the branch we are to start in LA. I tried explaining to them it wasn't necessary and we could partner up with somebody else but they wouldn't listen and now the are waiting on your return for the official signing," I breathed out a sigh of exasperation and slapped his back.

" You fool I don't get why you had to give me such a heart attack for something so small. Honestly, I almost thought the world was about to end," I finished and looked at him rubbing the spot I slapped.

" Anyway it won't be so bad working with him after all I needed a way to be close to him so that I can get to know him better since its been long since I left and I need to re-evaluate him for my grand return plans. They've actually made it easier for me, so make the necessary calls and schedule a meeting with his team and I'll be back in two days to close the deal."

We soon eased into casual conversation and later he left to back home to make sure everything is in order. I had just finished getting dressed in my little booty short and crop top when I had my phone chime. It was a text from Alexander:


Can I FaceTime you? I really need to discuss something about the new project we are doing.

I texted back immediately;


Of course Mr. Rossi.

It was as if he was anticipating the text because immediately he called me. I found the most appropriate place in my hotel room, sat and transferred the call to the screen and answered it. Immediately his face popped up and I have to admit I had missed seeing it this past five days. He was in casual charcoal grey t-shirt which outlined that sculpted torso I had fallen in love with. His looked so delicious and for a moment we were both lost in each other until I decided to break the silence and the obvious moment we were having.

" Evening Mr. Rossi, I hope you're well?" he seemed to snap out of his trance and he collected himself.

" Am doing well and I hope your trip is going smoothly. Anyway, I called to discuss the Elite project contract terms...." and just like that we fell into a professional environment and got through everything we didn't understand or weren't comfortable with. Soon the conversation shifted to a more personal one.

" Miss Black, you look breathtaking and Seattle seems to suit you," he commented and I felt giddy inside but I soon remembered he wasn't complimenting Kimberly, he was enticed by Bella Black and it totally hurt but I couldn't show him so I decided to wrap it up before I end up crying.

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