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I never had this type of power towards anybody in my life but now all the cards are on the table and I don't know how my family and in-laws will react but what I did know is that finally the ball is rolling. Once I got home, I changed and got dressed in my gym outfit since I wanted to work out the adrenaline from earlier before I head to the office in a few hours. The only other part of this situation which does really scares me is how this will play out and how it will affect my daughter. Kayla might seem like a strong child but I know deep down she craves that traditional family setting. She has met her grandparents on her dad's side and from how elated she was, I 'm sure it will crush her so much if this doesn't work. Granted I really need them to beg me for my forgiveness and really work to get us all back together but my first priority is making sure I can give Kayla what she deserves and if she asks me to drop this whole thing, I will in a heartbeat.

I came out of my closet and sat on my bed to put on the shoes I had just retrieved.

"Mom, did you go see daddy? I came to look for you earlier because I had a bad dream but you weren't home," I was drawn to my baby's voice and I felt bad that I left her but I had to speak to him. I beckoned Kayla towards me and soon she was climbing on my bed and sitting beside me.

"Am sorry I left you when I went to your daddy's house and yeah, I talked to him and if all goes well soon, you'll be reunited with him. I promise I'll do anything to make that come true." I grabbed her and gave her a hug which she returned.

"Mommy, can I ask for a favor? You can say no if you don't want to but I was hoping..." she pulled away from our hug and looked at me, "... I could stay with you at the office today since I don't feel like going to school today."

"Sure baby, I'll call the school and inform them am sure since we moved its overwhelming for you. For now, get back in bed and I'll come wake you when its time to get ready okay?" I removed the duvet and let her lay down on my bed and after tucking her in, I left her to go back to sleep as I went downstairs to my personal gym and at around 6:30 am, I went back to my room showered, got ready for the office and went to Kayla's room to prepare her clothes and pack whatever she needed for today's visit at the office and took my belongings and hers downstairs.

The kitchen staff had already started preparing breakfast and so I went back upstairs to wake her up and get her ready. "Baby girl, it's time to get ready so could you wake up?" I shook her gently and she finally got up and after showering, I dressed her in the clothes I has chosen earlier and soon we headed down had breakfast and left for the office. True to the word, the corporate world was in a frenzy from my speech last night and as soon as I got to the office, I went into a meeting with my PR team but not before I left Kayla with Love. After three hours of briefings, discussions and brainstorming it was decided that we wouldn't release any details yet since the suspense and apprehension could be good for the company and they would work to make sure this issue works positively for us.

The rest of the day went by very quietly although I almost wished Xander would at least try come see me to talk but to my surprise he didn't but my parents and in-laws came to my office late afternoon and demanded to see me. I asked Love to let them in but requested Kayla be kept away for a while as I conversed with them.

"Good afternoon, Miss Black, sorry to barge in like this but we were hoping you could join us for lunch. We would like to thank you for joining us last night at the gala."

"I'm really swamped right now but am sure I can slip out for a while so why don't you guys go on down to the lobby and I will grab my things and we can head on out. Would that be fine?"

"See you down there," they excused themselves and headed out but whatever game they were playing I won't let them play me, I would have a leg up on them. I grabbed my purse and phone and grabbed Kayla's coat before grabbing her from Luke's office and heading downstairs.

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