Life is Filled of Surprises

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Tori's POV

It wasn't normal to be this nervous. I mean, I knew that school was going to be different now but my nerves were killing me...and it wasn't even Monday. It's only Sunday. Sunday and I already felt like throwing up. I was just lying in bed, looking up at the ceiling, contemplating what it is I'm going to do.

I sighed and rolled out of bed hopping on my good leg. The doctor said I was going to need physical therapy at least two to three days a week for a month, and then we'd tone it down to once a week. Depending on how I was doing. So I grabbed the pair of crutches leaning against the wall and hopped my way into Cole's room. I lightly knocked on his door. "Cole?"

"Come in." He said from the other side. I headed in finding Cole lying on his bed only in boxers and socks. He had his laptop on his stomach while he quickly typed something away. I wasn't sure if that was a comfortable position but he seemed used to it considering how fast he was typing. "Just writing an essay. What's up?" He folded the top half of this laptop and looked up at me.

I sighed sitting down on his bed and shrugging. "I don't even know. I'm just kind of scared I guess."

He frowned and put his laptop aside. "Of what?" He sat up crossing his legs Indian style looking at me with concern. "About school?"

I nodded.

He smiled softly. "You don't need to be scared of that Tori. I mean come on it's just school."

In a different circumstance I would have agreed with him. I never really cared what people thought of me at school. I knew that after high school I wouldn't see them again until that high school reunion thing that happens twenty years later. But right now I didn't know why I did care. I think it's because I know how afraid Blake, Cole, and Shawn had been about coming out with the whole 'Step Sister' thing. So I didn't want to let them down.

Of course I wasn't about to start acting like them. No way I'd go to parties or start dressing nicer just because more people would be looking at me. I was going to stay me. I just hope I don't disappoint them.

"But people are going to be looking at me differently." I kept my eyes on my hands that were wringing together. "I'm not used to it." I finally said.

"Used to...?"

"I'm going to sound stupid saying this." I muttered, "I'm not used to the attention."

Cole smirked and shook his head. "Not used to turning heads, huh?"

"Nope." I blew a strand of hair away from my eyes. "But your brothers and yourself. I guys are basically gods at the school."

Cole laughed and swung his arm around my shoulder. "Guess that makes you our Athena. You have Blake who's Zues the mighty god of basically everything, Shawn would probably be Hermes just because he'd be amused by flying shoes, and me...I don't know. Apollo?"

3 StepbrothersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora