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After school I came home and put my bike in the shed. Not even bothering to clean it up yet. I had the weekend to do that.

Swinging my backpack I walked inside the house.

"Toriiii!" Suzie yelled running to me and hugging me tightly, "Your back! How was school?"

I chuckled, "It was good Sue. How was your day?"

"Boring. I don't like school." Suzie said pouting and letting go of me.

"Come on I'll make you a snack." I said walking in the kitchen. I went into the pantry and looked around for something to eat.

"Tori can I have some peanut butter and apples?" Suzie asked.

I nodded, "Sure." I grabbed the peanut butter and and apple. Getting a spoon I put some peanut butter on a plate and started slicing the apple. Suzie sat at the table her knees on the chair like she was waiting for some spectacular french dish or something. I chuckled to myself and set the plate in front of her.

"The guys wouldn't make me anything," She said munching on a apple, "They told me to wait for you. But your always an hour late or something."

"Yeah sorry about that Sue," I grabbed an apple slice and dipped it in the peanut butter, "Where are they exactly?"

No wonder it was so quiet and calm, I thought.

"They're in the basement. I think in the game room, or mini gym. So why don't you just ask Mark for a ride?" Suzie raised and eyebrow.

"Cause I like biking," I got up to leave for my room, "Oh which reminds me. Me, Cali, and Mark are going bowling today so I won't be home till nine, nine thirty."

"What about dinner?"

"Just tell everyone to eat without me. I'll be back at nine. Ok?"

"Ok but dad won't be happy about that Tori. What time are you leaving?"

"Don't worry about dad. And I'll have to leave around six it takes me about an hour to bike there. We bowl until eight, eight thirty and then I'll bike home. So I'll have to leave in about half hour, ok?"

Suzie nodded, "Sounds like good plan."

I smiled, "Finish your apples and when I leave I'll let you play on my PlayStation. Yeah?"

Suzie grinned, "Yes!"

I laughed and headed upstairs into my room. I set up the PlayStation for Suzie. She already knew how to put in games and movies, so I didn't have to worry about that. Suzie came up and sat in my bean bag, I handed her a controller and got ready to leave.

"Hey Tori," Suzie said as I started to leave for the door.

I spung around to face her, "Yeah?"

"You still have fifteen minutes, can you play a round with me?"

I smiled, "Of course. What game?" I asked as I sat next to Suzie.

"Call of Duty?" Suzie asked.

I laughed, "Just don't tell dad."

I put the game in and played a round with Suzie. It felt just like the old days when dad was busy at work and me and Suzie hung out. We would watch movies, play outside, I'd help her with her homework, and all that. Right now, this moment where we were playing Call of Duty, this seemed like nothing had ever changed. Like dad never met Lilly, that I didn't have three stepbrothers from hell. No right now as I shot some random dude in the head, it felt like nothing had changed.

After the round I got up, "I got to go Sue. I'll be back later."

I kissed her forehead and walked towards the door.

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