Swimming at the Lake

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After our small little lunch. I headed back into my room and grabbed my suitcase. I opened it up and started rummaging through my clothes looking for my one piece. I finally found it. My one piece is a plain red, with a small cross. I used to be a lifeguard so this was my uniform but it was comfortable and it still fit, so I still used it. I closed the blinds and quickly put on the suit. When I was done I grabbed one of my Nike Fits and slipped it on. I never really liked going out in my bathing suit without some pants. Even if its a bikini I feel to exposed so I always swim with some shorts on. Always.

I grabbed a towel and slipped on my flip flops. I made a quick braid so my hair wouldn't go in my eyes while I swam. When I was done I walked out into the hallway and to Suzie's door. I lightly tapped on the door.

"Suzie you in there?" I asked.

"Yeah give me sec," She replied. I put my back to the wall and leaned on it, waiting for Suzie. A minute later she came out.

My little sister had her red, white, and blue bikini. Her black curls flowing around her face. She had flip flops on and had her Minnie Mouse towel around her neck. But what made me laugh was that she had a pair of my old shades on. The shades were pitch black and so you couldn't see her eyes.

I laughed, "You trying out my old shades?"

"What do you think? Don't I look gooooood?" She made the glasses bounce up and down on her nose, which only made me laugh harder.

"Whatever you need to hear Sue."

She grinned and I put my hand on her shoulder guiding her out of her room.

"Come on Sue lets go swimming," I said as we walked down the stairs.

"The guys are already outside," Lilly said from the counter.

"Thanks Lilly," Suzie replied as she opened the door and headed out. I smiled at Lilly and closed the door behind me.

The air was hot and the sky was a cloudless blue. The perfect day for a swim. I saw the guys sitting around, I quickened my pace to catch up to Suzie and as we walked I whispered something in her ear.

"Oh my god," Suzie said with a giggle.

"You in?" I asked as we got closer to the guys.

She nodded, "Yeah I'm in."

"That's my baby sister," I high fived her and she ran off to the other side of the house. I watched her go with a smile.

"Where's Suzie going?" I turned to see the guys were all standing around me.

I shurgged, "Who knows where that child goes?"

I noticed that they were all staring at me. I stared at them back.

The guys were all wearing their swim truncks and I couldn't help but notice that the guys were built. Cole and Shawn had some nice six packs. And their biceps were pretty good looking too, decently sized. But Blake was even more built. His biceps were way bigger than decently sized like Cole's and Shawn's. Then my eyes fell on Blake's eight pack.

Blake smirked, "Like what you see?"

"Huh?" I asked dumbly, looking up at him.

Blake just smirked again.

"Ohhhhhhhh you think I was staring at you," I laughed and the guys all stared at me in confusion, "There's a stick bug on you."

I pointed out the small stick bug that was climbing on Blake's stomach, he looked down and swapped it away. I walked to the shore, laughing.

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