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Ok I want to just give a shout out to some of my friends: Milani, Aliza, Chandler, Sam B., Samantha P. and Disha. Thanks you guys, I love you all.


I woke up the next morning with the chirps of birds and the sun shining in through the blinds. I groaned and rolled around in my bed. Finally I got out and walked to my suitcase taking out some clothes and putting it on. Usually when I didn't start living with the guys, I'd just walk down in my pajamas, but how awkward would that be.

I oulled out was a simple Abercrombie T-shirt and some regular jean shorts that reached just a little above my knee. I walked out the door and headed downstairs, bouncing up and down the stairs. When I reached the bottom I walked to the kitchen and sat at the counter.

"Morning Tori," Suzie chirpped happily from the dining table.

"Morning Sue," I replied then added to Cole and Shawn who were already up, "Morning guys."

They grumbled a good morning and turned back to their cereal.

What the heck? Yesterday we had a blast but now....looks like we're back to square one. Jerks.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked Suzie.

She nodded, "It was awesome! I've never slept on the top bunk before it was really cool."

I smiled at her and then turned to Cole, "Did you sleep well?"

"No," he grumbled and looked up from his cereal turning his attention to me, "Did you know she snores!?I never knew a little nine year old girl could snore."

I laughed and nodded, "Yeah she's like that."

Suzie giggled and shrugged.

Lilly and my dad walked in the kitchen getting their own bowls and spoons.

"Morning," Lilly said happily.

"Morning," We all replied.

"Where's Blake?" Dad asked looking around.

"Still sleeping," Shawn replied.

My dad nodded, "Well we're gonna start heading back around two. Sound good?"




"What!? Why!?" Suzie complained.

"Cause you all have school tomorrow, and I have work."Dad replied.

"Ugh, fine." Suzie grumbled.

We all sat around the table eating our breakfast when my dad's phone rang. He started pulling it out of his pocket and looked into the screen. My dad frowned and sighed, "I have to take this, excuse me."

He got up and headed out the backdoor and onto the balcony. We all turned to face the window and we watched my dad. My dad paced around and I saw his lips move around. He rubbed his temple and sighed. I saw his lips move some more but I still couldn't make it out. Finally I saw my dad mouth a 'goodbye' and he hung up the phone. He stayed outside for I minute, leaning on the rail.

Suzie sighed, "I know who it is."

"Me too," I muttered.

"Who?" Lilly asked.

"Dad's boss he only paces like that when its him, Chief Deliv," Suzis said.

"More like Chief Devil," I muttered under my breath.

Lilly must have heard me because she started talking, "I'm sure you dad's boss isn't that bad."

"He has not heart," Suzie muttered.

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