Dinner with Chief

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Tori's POV

I was in my room getting ready for dinner. Chief wasn't here yet but he will be soon.

I put on a nice pair of jeans and a green plaid button down. When I was done I headed downstairs to find Suzie in a sundress and Lilly in a dress as well.

Suzie's sundress was a nice yellow with some white daisies around it. And Lilly's dress was a simple black dress that reached a little above the knees. I looked back down at my clothes for a second and smirked.

I am not putting on a dress. Ain't nobody got time for that.

The guys came downstairs each of them wearing a button down polo. Blake's was a navy blue, Cole's was a striped blue and white, and Shawn's was a black. Dad came out in a freaking suit but nobody laughed because this is his boss.

Lilly was already preparing the food and Suzie was watching. She told Suzie the ingredients and how to put them in and stuff. Lilly looked like a person from the cooking show and Suzie was the special guest or something.

"Tori," dad said as he put on his tie looking into one of the hallway mirrors, "I ask you to please go upstairs and put on a dress."

I laughed, "Good one dad."

The three looked over like they were suddenly super interested in the conversation.

"Please Tori," dad said.

"Well I'm so sorry to tell you that I don't have a dress. I have one and only one. And that's the one I used at your wedding and personally I don't want to get in that medieval torture device," I replied sitting down at the counter.

"So when I give you money to go shopping what do you buy?" Dad asked.

The guys grinned, like they figured I'm in big trouble. Whatever.

"Pants and shirts. Oh and sometimes I buy new sneakers," I said with a shrug.

"You never bought a dress? Not even a skirt?" Dad asked.

"Heck no," I said.

Dad sighed, "Is that the nicest clothing you have?"

"Nope," I did have nicer clothing but I wasn't going to make a big deal out of Chief Deliv coming over.

Dad was about to add something when the doorbell rang. He went to get the door.

"Shit," I muttered so Lilly and Suzie wouldn't hear.

"What do you have against this guy?" Shawn asked.

"The list is so long I don't even know where to start," I replied then looked at the three, "You'll see."

Dad came back with Chief Deliv. Chief is a old man, late fifties probably. He has grey thin hair and you can tell that it's falling out. Some wrinkles cover his face, but he also has a sense of power whenever he's near. In other terms he just looks like a really old biker. He was wearing his police uniform and I really don't get why.

Lilly came forth and introduced herself, "Hi I'm Lilly."

Chief shook her hand, "Names Don. Don Deliv but people mostly just call me Chief."

"Alright," Lilly said then looked over at the boys, "These are my son's."

Blake stood up and shook Chief's hand, slightly wincing but he gained his composure, "I'm Blake."

Cole came up, "Cole."

"I'm Shawn," Shawn said as he went up and shook Chief's hand.

"Pleasure to meet you all," Chief said.

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