Asking Is Harder Than It Looks

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The bell rang and me and Mark got up leaving for first period.

Yesterday Cali told us she gave up her virginity. Me and Mark kept making jokes and snickered every so often. Our Cali? Cali, the maniac Cali, gave it up.

We walked into English and I sat by Cali. I leaned my chin on hand looked at her. Mark sat behind us and he leaned in as if Cali were about to tell a huge secret. Mark wiggled his eyebrows and I gave a deep sigh.

"Ok what the hell is going on with you two?" Cali asked.

I shrugged, "Nothing."

I gave a mischievous grin and Mark chuckled.

"Sooo...." Mark said, "You. Jerry."

Me and Mark planned this, so right when he said that I let a soft moan so only we could hear.

Cali turned red and I kept going.

"Jerry...." I moaned out, "Ohhhh."

Me and Mark burst into laughter and high fived each other.

"It's not funny," Cali said, "Stop making such a big deal about it."

"Oh we're not," Mark said, "We're just making fun of you."

"Well I'm going to make fun of you two when you guys do it," Cali hissed.

"Mmm hmm," I said.

"Just shut up," Cali said.

Mark chuckled, "Only cause your my friend."

We all turned to the front of the class and our teacher walked in. English, I absolutely hate this class period.

Shawn's POV

"Ok class please put on your goggles and then you may begin," Our teacher said.

Me and Em did as we were told. Our goggles consisted of plastic glasses that didn't even look like goggles. I shrugged it off and put them on.

"How do I look?" I asked Em.

She smirked, "Like a nerd from those seventies and eighties movies."

I laughed, "You don't look to bad."

She smiled, "Oh really?"

"Yeah if you just get a face transplant, then you'll be fine," I joked.

She hung her mouth open in utter shock that I said that. But she smiled, "You're so mean."

I chuckled, "I was kidding. You're beautiful. People would want your face to be their transplant."

Em blushed and looked down at her chemistry book, "Let's get to work."

Shit did I actually just say that? Mother F. Dammit now she probably thinks I'm weird or something.

'But Shawn,' my little inside voice said, 'It was such a nice compliment.'

'I know but now she probably thinks I'm hitting on her,' I answered back.

'But you totally were,' it said, 'Just ask her out already. You've known her for like two or three weeks. Yeah not the longest time, but you've had fun together.'

'But what if she rejects me?' I asked.

'Stop being such a baby! Has a girl ever rejected you?' It asked.

'No, your right.' I answered.

'I always am', I said in a snooty tone.

'Shut up me!' I snapped.

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