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I woke up with him breathing down my neck. In the middle of the night I must have twisted in my sleep, Mark's arm remained around my waist as he spooned my body in his. He was still asleep, his breathing was gentle and soft, warm against my cold skin. Every time he took a breath in it was like he absorbed the heat off my neck, until he let the breath go and I felt warm again.

The sun was still making it's way up, signifying to me that I woke up way earlier than intended. It was all Mark's fault. He had hogged the blanket over his shoulders to warm his uncovered torso and it had slipped off my feet. They were so cold right now I thought they were ice. Of course the chill had awoken me but all I wanted was more sleep. Even with my feet covered back up, I couldn't find myself to fall back in my peaceful slumber.

Even without the sleep I didn't want to get out of bed. It was cold outside of the covers and I was still trying to get warm. But of course this is when my body told me it had to use the bathroom. I tried to stay warm as long as possible, and try to go back to sleep, but when you gotta go you gotta go.

I carefully made my way out of the bed, making sure not to disturb Mark. When I moved away from him I stepped onto the floor and nearly yelped. The floor was freezing! How could it have gotten so cold in one night. There's just some wonders in the world that I'll never understand.

I walked quickly on my tip toes to Mark's closet. The creaking of the ground making him stir slightly before he started to snore. In his closet I found the small little box in the corner, beside the Nerf guns, where it was labeled, Tori.

It was just a regular brown cardboard box with no top on it and inside were just some things I leave here in case I don't have my backpack. There was a toothbrush, a sweatshirt (that probably didn't fit me anymore), some Nike Fit shorts, the little stuffed bear Mark gave me for Valentine's Day a few years ago, and at the very bottom my special hot pink fuzzy socks. I slipped the socks on and then grabbed Mark's Scooby-Doo slippers putting those on as well.

When I finished using the bathroom I went over to my backpack and pulled out Mr. Cuddles. I take the little stuffed toy around with me everywhere. Well not everywhere, ever since fifth grade when I had class with these boys. They found Mr. Cuddles in my backpack and started making fun of me, so from there on I just left it at home or took it with me to sleep overs. Whether is was Mark's house or not. Last night I was so tired I had forgotten he was in my backpack for me to cuddle with as I slept.

Mark groaned a bit in his sleep and I turned to look at him. "It's cold," He muttered in his morning voice. It was scratchy and an octave lower than usual, making my toes curl for more. Wait what?
He brought the pillow he rested his head on, into his chest curling around it like a ball. I nearly laughed, half expecting he'd start sucking his thumb.

This was the man that wanted to join the armed forces? I thought, nearly smirking out loud. He looks like a giant cuddly teddy bear. How is he suppose to turn into someone lethal? He's such a little baby.

The slippers allowed me to slide on the floor, so I slid my way to Mark and climbed into the bed. I stayed just behind his back pulling my hair behind my shoulders so it wouldn't get in the way, and I started running my finger up his neck. "There's a spider on you..." I taunted, whispering softly against his ear. "What happens when it strikes?"

Mark groaned again and tried swatting my hand off his neck. Instead I flicked his neck and he hissed. "Now you're turning to Spiderman," I started to blow lightly in his ear, using my nails as spider legs and brushing them against his neck down his arm and up his back. Wherever I brushed my fingers chills would follow on Mark's skin. "What does Spiderman do?" I asked against Mark's ear.

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