Chapter 4

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10 month old Gracelyn Edward's Pov

Gracelyn is growing up so fast. Me and my siblings are now in the living room watching the child play with her toys. She is already able to crawl and she's sitting up by herself now. She can't talk yet, but she points at us if she wants someone's attention.

I hear a giggle sounding from the middle of the room and I look to see Grace playing with a toy bunny. I smile as she crawls over to Jasper. She grabs his hand and points to her toy basket. "Do you want your blocks, Grace?" He asks and she giggles. He laughs and gets her toys and brings it over to her. She blabs unintelligible words and throws her blocks on the ground.

"Don't throw the block, Grace." Jasper scolds the young child. She pouts her bottom lip and crawls away from him. I hold in a laugh as she comes to me and makes a hand gesture that we've come to know that means "I want you".

I smile and pick her up. "Is Jasper being naughty?" I say in a baby voice she nods and hugs my neck. "What are we going to do?"

I ask her. I listen in on her thoughts, "Me and Eddie can ummm...... Not play with Jazz."

I laugh, "Do you think we shouldn't let him play with the blocks anymore?" She smiles and nods. I laugh and walk over to Jasper.

"I'm sorry, but the young lady doesn't want you to play with her blocks anymore."

Jasper makes a fake pouty lip and begs Grace, "Please, darlin'," he says because he knows Grace likes to be called darlin'. She grins and grabs his nose.

We laugh and she smiles at us. She jumps into Jasper's lap and gets her bunny. As she plays I go into the kitchen and grab some cereal for her to chew on. I walk into the living room to see Alice and Rosalie down building a tower with Gracelyn. She smiles and points at it.

"What did you build Grace?" I ask and walk over to her. She crawls over to me and mumbles. I listen closely and whisper to the others, "She's trying to talk again." They all crowd around.

"Can you say Rose?" Rosalie asks and tickles her belly she laughs and waves her hands in the air. I listen in on her thoughts, "Rose. Rose. Rose."

I grin, "She's tring to say your name. Introduce yourselves like Rosalie did. Let's see if she can say one of our names."

"Can you say Alice? Come one baby Grace." She tries, but nothing comes out.

"Can you say Jazz? What about Emmett?" She tries both of them, but nothing works.

Esme walks over, "Let's see. Can you say Mama?" Esme says to the girl with a grin. Grace starts, but it ends up as baby talk. I smile and face her. "Can you say my name? Come on Grace, I know you can do it." She focuses hard.

I listen and hear her thoughts, "Eddie. Eddie. Eddie. Eddie." I smile, but befor anything else we hear a tiny, "Ed." I turn and look to see her mumbling something that sounds like "E" or "Ed". I grin and throw her up into the air gently.

"Great job, princess! Good job!" She giggles and hugs my neck. I smile and hug her softly.

"Well we know who her favorite is," Emmett grumbles. I grin at him and kiss her head.

"Are you hungry, sweet girl?" I ask her and she nods. I give her a few pieces of cereal and sit her on the couch by Emmett. "You want to watch cartoons with Emmett?" She looks at Emmett and he pouts.

"Please, Gracelyn? I'll let you pick the show," He says with hope. She giggle and crawls over to Alice. Alice laughs and tickles her. She screams and crawls away to sit with Emmett. He smiles and cradles her in his arms. "Do I need to protect you from Alice?" He whispers to her.

She nods and peaks over his arm to Alice she grins and acts like she's going to tickle her and she squeals. She grabs on to Emmets neck and "hides". He laughs at her and picks her up.

"You want to go outside?" She nods and he carries her outside. I hear her say something to Emmett and he just stands there confused. "Ball. Ball." I hear in her head and I grab her ball and carry it out to him.

"Would you like to play ball Grace?" I ask her and she smiles. I smile at her as Emmett mumbles to me, "I have no idea what the heck she wants. The only reason you do is because of your mind reading." I flash him a grin as he sits her down in the grass. "Throw the ball," he says and she throws it a foot in front of her.

"Yay! Good job!" Emmett says and she giggles. I see her move around and start to stand. "Get out here." I say and everyone rushes over. She starts to stand, but wobbles and falls. She huffs and tries again. I smile and come over.

"Hold my hand. We'll walk over to Mama." She grabs my finger and gets up slowly. She wobbles over to Esme while holding my hand. Esme smiles widely, "Good job! Your getting so big!" She says and spins her around. She smiles and hugs her mother. I see her yawn and rub her eyes.

"Are you tired baby girl?" Esme asks sweetly and takes her inside to bed. She puts her in her bed, but she cries. "Do you want your bottle?" Esme asks and runs to get a bottle with milk. She gives it to Grace, but she just cries more. I stand off to the side and watch her.

"What's wrong?" Esme asks and picks her back up. I read her thoughts, "Him. I want him."

"She wants someone, Esme. I think one of us boys." Grace turns her head and sees me in the corner. She reaches out for me and cries. I move up and grab her. She whines and holds on to my shirt. "Shh, shh. I'm here. Are you sleepy? Let's go to bed." I say and put her down, but she whines and doesn't let go of my shirt.

I chuckle and move over to the rocking chair. I rock her till she's starting to drift off to sleep. "Stay." Is what I hear in her thoughts before she falls asleep.

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