Chapter 17

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Once Grace wakes up we let her stay awake for the rest of the night. "Do you want a snack?" Esme asks her. She nods and curls back into my chest.

"Grace, what if we invite a few friends over. I know that you liked Jacob, would you like to see him?" Carlisle asks and I immediately growl lowly in response.

'We need to talk with Sam, Edward. And if Jacob can make Grace feel better, then I'm making him come over so she can feel better.' Carlisle thinks to me and I reluctantly nod.

Grace look up at me fearfully, "Are they going to take me away, Eddie? I don't want to leave." She says and tears spill out of her eyes. I gently wipe them away and give her a hug.

"No, princess. They're not going to take you away. We need to talk to Sam, and we wanted to see if you want to play with Jacob. We aren't letting them take you." She nods and sighs.

Emmett runs in front of me and throws Grace into the air. "Yeah. They can't touch you. I'll scare them away. I'm the Big Bad Wolf."

Grace giggles, "Your not the Big Bad Wolf. Your the Big Bad Teddy Bear. Nothing can scare you!" I smile at them. It's good to see Grace smiling and laughing.

I move over and go to Carlisle who is dialing Sam's number.

"Make him bring Seth this time, instead of Paul. She'll like Seth." He nods and calls up La Push.

I go back into the living room and see Grace sitting with Emmett and Jasper while she eats cookies. "You need a cookie!" She says to them and I silently laugh.

"Eddie. Tell them they need a cookie. Their so good!"

I laugh and pick her up. "Yes, Grace. They are so good. Now, let's get you into something comfy. We invited Jake and his friends over, so they'll be here soon. Rose? Alice?" I say and the girls nod. They take Grace and she looks back at me sadly.

I listen to her thoughts to see what's bothering her, 'I don't want to leave Eddie and Emmy and Jazzy. They'll protect me from the mean people. I hope Eddie stays with me. I don't want him to leave me.'

I smile slightly, glad she wants me to protect her. I will be with her for as long as possible. I hear the doorbell ring and I rush to the door, but Carlisle beats me to it.

'Calm, Edward. This isn't going to go pleasantly if you don't.' I nod and back away.

He opens the door to revel Sam, Billy, Paul, Jacob, and Seth. I smile slightly at the sigh of the young boy. He's always so happy. Grace is going to love him.

"Welcome. Thank you for coming. Come in." I move out of the way and hear a few growls as they pass, well, from everyone except Billy and Seth.

"Hey, man. How are you?" Seth asks me. I smile slightly, "I'm good, Seth. How about you?"

He nods and smiles brightly, "Good, good. Heard your taking care of a little girl. Is she here?" My smile gets brighter.

"Yes, her name's Grace. She's my mate."

Seth laughs lightly, "Congrats man. I'll try and keep Jake away."

I smile at him while Jacob and Paul yell, "Come on Seth." He grins at me and runs to where their all at. I walk into the living room and see that Grace still isn't down here.

Carlisle is talking to Sam and the others, so I slip away to go find Grace. I walk up the stairs to see her in a dress, hair in a delicate braid, with a pout on her face.

"Eddie. Rosie and Allie made me wear a dress. I want to go to sleep." I laugh lightly, but glare at the girls.

"Ok. Let's put you on some pj's. Our friends are downstairs and they want to see you again." She nods and Alice grabs a pair of pajamas and changes her into them. I go downstairs and wait for her at the steps. I see Grace hop down each step and I smile slightly.

When she sees me she giggles and jumps into my arms. I hold her close while I spin her in the air. "Put me down, Eddie!" She giggles and I stop.

"You look lovely, princess." I say to her and she giggles. I sit her down and she runs into the living room.

When she sees the pack she sprints over to Emmett and he picks her up. She hides herself into his shoulder and Emmett whispers comforting words to her.

"Sam, we meet again. This is my family, as you know, and here's Grace." Sam nods and motions towards his office and him, Carlisle, Esme, Billy, and Paul go into the office. I walk towards Grace.

"Grace. Jacob brought a new friend." I say to her and she peaks at me. I smile and nod as she comes to me. I hold her and give both the boys a death glare before looking down at Grace.

"Hey, kiddo. Miss me?" Jake says and Grace looks at him and smiles slightly. She looks at Seth and both of them freeze. I growl and hold on to Grace tighter. I see everyone run over to us, but all I can do is glare at Seth. Jake shoves Seth and he breaks the connection.

Grace smiles at Seth and Seth grins back. "Hi. I'm Seth."

Grace giggles, "Hi. I'm Grace." I growl more and hold her closer.

Seth looks at me now and thinks, 'I know what you think, but this feels different than a regular imprint. I can't explain it. I'll show you.' He says and plays the image through his mind. He shows Grace as a child, growing up, but with Seth. Her and Seth were best friends, not lovers. They go to the beach and he picks her up from school, but there is nothing, but brotherly affection on his mind.

'See. I'm not here to take your mate, Edward. All I want to be is her brother, best friend, and protector. I swear.' I look into his eyes and nod.

"Grace? Would you like to go get a snack?" Esme asks her. Grace nods and gets down from my arms. "Eddie? Sethy? Are you coming?" She asks. I see Seth smile and nod, but I say, "We'll be there in a little bit. I've got to talk to Seth first." She nods and runs into the kitchen.

Once she's out sight, I say, "Clearwater. Outside. Now."

Hey, guys. I know this isn't what you wanted, but I had this on my mind and I think I'm going to like the way it turns out. So, before y'all freak out... No, she and Seth are not going to end up together. This is an Edward fan fic, so Seth will not be her love interest. I needed something to do with the pack for all of you who like the La Push gang. I hope your not too upset with me, but if so, I'm sorry. I promise that you will get your Edward Cullen love story. Love ya!😘

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