Chapter 47

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The bell rings, signaling for all of us to go to my favorite class of the day. Lunch. I don't know what it is about food that makes me love it so much. Probably because it is delicious.

"Oh no, you guys. Grace is proclaiming her love for food again," Edward says with a smirk as we all walk towards the cafeteria.

I grin a bit as everyone laughs at me and I shove him. "Oh, shut up. You're just bitter because you can't taste how amazing it is."

Edward rolls his eyes with a smile and we chuckle as we walk sit at our seat. "I'll go grab something while you call the pack," he says and kisses my head as I grab my phone.


"Grace," Emily says happily.

"Hi, Em! Are the boys around?" I hear her shuffle around and call for them.

"Gracie!" A chorus of voices say at once.

"Hi guys," I giggle, "Whatca doing?"

"Eating muffins," Jared says with a mouthful and I smile.

"You don't say," I say dramatically.

"Oh, but my lady, I do." I laugh as I mouth to my siblings that I'll be back and I walk to the hallway.

"How's your day been, pup?" Paul asks curiously and I smile slightly.

"Good. Pretty boring though," I start to trail off as I see Bella come my way, "Oh! Hold on. Bella is coming my way."

I smile as she comes towards me and say hi.  "Hi, Grace. Hey, so, um, would you like to sit with me and my friends today? If not, that's totally fine. I know you like sitting with your siblings and all, and now that Edward's back you'll want to spend time with him. I, um, just wanted to ask."

I laugh as I slightly hear Jake screaming at me to do it. "Stop rambling Bella. Of course I will, and it is definitely not because Jake is yelling at me over the phone to do so," I say with a grin and she laughs.

"Alright. I'll wait on you at the door if you want to end your call," I nod my head in thanks as I pick the phone back up.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I owe you one Gracie bug," Jake says as soon as I put my ear back up to the phone.

"Yeah, yeah. I know, I'm the best. But don't get used to it. I don't like meeting new people, Jake."

"I know, Gracie. But for me, please do it just this once. Maybe hit about a special guy at the Rez here and there..."

I laugh and nod, before realizing he can't see, "Alright Jake Jake. I will. I've got to go, but I'll see you guys later. I love you."

They all chorus back their declarations of love, all except Seth who tells me to wait.

"Are you going to be ok?" He whispers quietly into the phone.

"I think so. Besides, if anything happens, my siblings will hear and can call me over there like they have to tell me something important. I'll be alright Seth, I promise."

"Ok... I just... Did you take your medicine this morning? I roll my eyes at his words and sigh.

"Yes, Seth. I took my chill pills. Don't worry, I promise I'll be fine. I have to go though. I love you."

"Love you too. Be careful," I laugh before hanging up and jogging to where Bella is waiting for me patiently.

"Sorry, Bells. The boys wouldn't shut up." Bella smiles and we walk back into the cafeteria. "I'll go tell them you're coming so we can pull up a chair." I nod and walk to my family who are sort of frowning.

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