Chapter 11

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"Eddie, Eddie." I hear Grace mumble. I looks down at her and she twists and turns on my arms. She starts to whine and tears fall from her eyes. I wipe her tears away and gently shake her away. "Grace. Wake up, princess. I'm right here."

She cries more and wakes up with a tiny scream. "Shh, shhh. I'm here. What's wrong?" She looks around and when she sees me she jumps in my arms. Holding me tightly. I look through her thoughts and see the dream she had.

            *Her dream*
She comes downstairs alone and no one was in the house, much like she thought happened yesterday, she screams our names, but no one is there for her. She runs outside, through the woods to try and find us, but she can't find anyone. She cries for us, but we left her.
      *End of Dream*

"I lost you. You left me." She cries on to my neck.

"I'm right here. I'll never leave you Gracelyn. Don't cry, sweetheart. We are all here for you." She wipes her tears, but doesn't loosen her grip on me.

"Hey, princess. Look at me. Give me a smile. Can you do that?" She shakes her head and buries her head in my neck again.

'Edward. Tell her we have a special day planned for her today. Bring her down in a few minutes and help her get dressed.' Alice thinks to me. I mumble an "Ok", and look back at Grace.

"Here. Let go and sit on my lap here." She shakes her head and holds me tighter.

"Grace. We have a surprise for you, but you have to look at me before I can tell you it."

She looks at me, but still holds on to my neck. I smile and pull her off of me. She tears up, but I wipe her eyes.

"No tears. Sit right here," I say and place her on my lap. "We have a special day planned for you since we couldn't do your movie night last night, but you have to be happy and have no tears." She nods and wipes her tears away.

I smile, "Good girl. Now let's get you some clothes on and we'll go see what the big surprise is." She nods and holds on to me again, but not as tight. She's going to be clingy today, not that I mind. I love when she prefers me over someone else, even though it aggravates the others.

I carry her to her bed and sit her down. I don't know anything about fashion. "Do you want to pick out your clothes today?" I ask and she gives me a tiny smile. I grin and she goes and picks out random things.

When she comes out she's in cream leggings and a flower dress. She's got a fashion sense like Alice. "Is this ok?" She mumbles and walks back over to me.

I pick her up and kiss her cheek, "Yes, princess. You look gorgeous. Alice will be proud." She nods and I sigh, poor baby. She doesn't need to be worried about this at such a young age. All she should worry about is what kind of cereal she's going to have for breakfast the next morning or what toy she will sleep with next.

"Before we go down I need you be happy. I want to see my Grace smile." She gives me a small smile, and I sigh.

"Emmett! I need some help to make a little girl smile!" I say loud enough so she can hear me too.

Emmett walks into the room and grins, "I heard someone needs to smile?" Grace jumps up and hugs him. "I love you Emmy."

Emmett sighs and hugs her back. He looks at me and thinks, 'What happened to her? She's really clingy today.'

I nod and mumble really fast, "Bad dream. We left her. She's going to be really clingy." He nods and throws her in the air. She usually squeals and giggles, but today all she does is smile a little bit.

'Oh no. This is bad.'

I nod and Emmett sighs. "Ok. I need my Grace to smile and laugh and be happy. I guess I'll have to call in the tickle monster." He says and she just smiles at him. He starts to tickle her and she giggles.

I smile at her laughing as Emmett tickles her harder and faster. She laughs louder and tries to get out of his grip. Emmett laughs and throws her in the air. "There's my girl," he says and gives her a kiss on her head.

"Stay up here and we'll call you down when we're ready." I nod as she walks over to me and climbs on her bed to sit on my lap. Once Emmett leaves Grace lays her head on my stomach and plays with her toy. I play with her hair and we sit in a comfortable silence. Grace isn't usually silent.

"What are you thinking about, princess?" I ask her and she hugs my neck and looks into my eyes.

"I'm scared. I don't want to leave you or you leave me."

I rub her cheek, "Why would we leave you?"

A tear escapes her eye, "Jakie's friends said I shouldn't stay here." I curse under my breath. Those stupid, idiotic mutts.

"Baby girl. We are never going to leave you and no one will take you away from us. We are very protective of you, so no one is going to try and touch you." She nods and hugs me tight again.

"I love you, Eddie. So much."

I smile, if I could cry right now I would. "I love you too, princess. More than you'll ever know." She hugs me once more and I smile.

"Ok. Are you ready to have the best day ever?" She giggles and nods.

I take Gracelyn downstairs and the whole room is princess themed. Gracelyn gasps and smiles big. I turn and look at her with a smile on my face. "Eddie look! We have a princess house!"

I laugh lightly and kiss her temple, "This is all for you, princess." She giggles and runs to Esme and Carlisle.

"Daddy! Mama!" She says and jumps into their arms. "Do you like it baby girl? We're sorry we couldn't do movie night last night."

She smiles and kisses both of her cheeks. "I love it!" She smiles and runs to my siblings. She jumps into Emmett's arms and he spins her around. Rose kisses her head and she smiles at them.

"Well, Princess Grace. What do you think?" She giggle and hugs his neck, "I love it Emmy! Thank you!" We smile at her enthusiasm as she runs to Alice and Jasper.

"Allie! Look at my dress! Eddie says you'll like it."

Alice smiles, "Did you pick it out yourself?" She nods her head and Alice laughs. "You did great! I'm very proud."

She grins and jumps in Jasper's arms. "Morning darlin'. Your gonna be a princess, today." She smiles and I come up behind her and throw her into the air. As she giggles I kiss her head and say, "She's always a princess."

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